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Costa 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Costa 1st MRB

  1. Yeah I pre-ordered it. The game is really fucking awesome but still pretty rough around the edges. It's a game that was made by two guys so they kinda had to get out what would have been roughly a beta in order to help pay for starting up a studio. So far the game has been coming along nicely seeing as how it's their first and only game they tend to do some pretty big updates to it every week. Only real complaints I have is the camera controls are really damn weird to get use to and the ship models look like ass seeing as how both the guys that work on this have little experience with textures/modeling. Pretty much if you buy it just play around with it, the mutiplayer is still getting bugs worked out and the AI is a little derp but every week they make progress on fixing things up and getting new content out.
  2. GET IN THE 1st MRB Channel TO TEAM UP FOR PLATOONS! The password is tonks. Add everyone you see in that channel to your friends, you cannot invite people to platoons unless they are in your friends list. Underneath Battle is a little arrow, click on that and Create Platoon. A new channel tab will open up at the bottom of your screen. In that channel you will have the option to invite friends into a platoon. Platoons can only have three people in them so if you have more than that just make multiple platoons and have the platoon leaders click ready at the same time when everyone else is ready. Platoons will insure that 3 people will be placed on the same team and balance the rest of the teams around platoons then tiers.
  3. 0.4.5-0.5.1 Patch. I'd download it from the main site, but everyone else is downloading this at once so their servers are kinda flipping shit. And here's the patch after the big one. Enjoy yer soft wipe.
  4. Usually server rotation should be all stock maps save for strand. Only time a custom map ever shows up is when an admin gets bored and switches to one. But the Friday Night Fight Night map pack should contain all the custom maps that will ever show up on the public server.
  5. Here is the patch, you can't play on the US server without it. Also the gold tanks rock, the French one you can take into recruit battles might as well be a fucking Maus for that tier. Everything bounces off it or does little damage while you can penetrate anything with an accurate as all fuck gun. Even the French heavy tank is nice for standard battles with it's sloped armor. And the M3 is fun just because everyone has to shoot at you no matter what.
  6. Did anyone else get gold for compensation? I'm sitting on 5,600 and about to have a aneurysm.
  7. If you drop a few extra bucks on the Droid for some apps you'll use it's well worth it. I don't see why people bash its apps so much either, just because the app store is full of apps doesn't mean you have to buy them all or even glance at them.
  8. From what I've heard it'll be a camo pattern you can put on your tanks and maybe some gold depending on how long you've been testing.
  9. I was sadly disappointed with Genesis 18-19.
  10. I don't really care who plays John. But I'm more curious who will play John's old gang. If Dutch isn't played by someone who is completely batshit insane I'll be let down. That is assuming they don't cut out most of the old gang to compress the movie into an hour and a half cash cow. And so god help them if the grave robber is cut from the script.
  11. Ehh I'm wary of any movie adaptations, despite Red Dead being about as straight forward as a western can get I can only see them cutting out parts of the story that bore them.
  12. Alright, added. One other tip is to get a horse if you didn't start with one, the ability to whittle down enemy forces from horseback is invaluable early on.
  13. Just some basic stuff to remember is, always recruit a handful of dudes. You don't even really need them in battle if you get your preferred skills high enough, it's just that the numbers help keep away looters and bandits from pestering you every few minutes. Also I'm trying to remember a mod that added in a whole ton of different factions, like Romans v. Amazons v. Crusaders v. Aztecs or something crazy. It was fun as hell trying to take on a whole bunch of guys in full plate armor with practically naked Romans was a good challenge. And if you have some time to figure it out try the China WWII mod.
  14. Yeah just drop them in your modules folder then when you run the game on the launcher you'll see a dropdown menu for all your installed mods.
  15. Well there isn't really a campaign, it's just more of do what you want and take over shit. The mods are the same thing it's just a matter of personal preference on how you want to kill dudes and take over castles. Well Warband has a sort of quest line and I know it's compatible with Eagle and the Radiant Cross, so I guess you can just play that in Warband if you want something to do.
  16. A terror suspect was a Canadian Idol contestant. What. The. Fuck. Also his rendition of that song was an act of terror on it's own.
  17. Here's The Eagle and the Radiant Cross. The download is at the top with all the information spanning the page. Here's a western mod called 1866, it's brutally fucking hard at times. Here's Prophesy of Pendor. Here's a mod called Sword of Damocles. It's a pretty bad ass kingdom simulator where you can start up your own faction and end up fighting off a massive invading empire. So far that I know of only Eagle and the Radiant Cross was ported to Warband for multiplayer play, the rest you might have to poke around a bit.
  18. This game is really mod friendly, all you should have to do is drop the mod in the mod folder and enable it with the launcher. Fuck it, I'm buying this game again on Steam.
  19. Yeah going against a line of musketeers is pretty damn hard. If you've ever joined their faction try to take part in taking over a fortress. Musketeers in close range is a hilarious event that usually results in just you and a handful of Lords fighting off an entire fortress's garrison. I usually just went horseback gunners and a small number of them. Anything I can catch I can kill and anything that can kill me I could outrun, it was a raider's paradise. Yeah $17 for both is pretty good, I might have to see if I can pick it up again too.
  20. Yeah I played the shit out of Mount & Blade and it is a fun game with mods. Warband just needs a few multiplayer ports of some of the really cool mods from Mount & Blade and I'll buy it. And fuck Khergits, real men go Nord. EDIT: Oh shit I just found out that one of my favorite mods has a Warband port. Look into The Eagle and the Radiant Cross. It adds in a German faction that specializes in using blackpowder weapons, and adds in a bunch of other factions.
  21. There's also a possibility of working from home or just living really close. I didn't think it was possible to get addicted to any NC Soft game, most of them drive me up the fucking wall before I get too far in them.
  22. Yeah I didn't really bother to read any more than a few paragraphs. Would have been a bit more interesting if they had gathered a few more videos and cases like this one. And holy fuck someone needs to tell all the people that did the ads on that site that animations and bright colors on top of a shitty background doesn't make it look any better or interesting.
  23. I wouldn't recommend burning spiders. The little shits tend to run off while ablaze and can have a nasty tendency to light other things before they buy the farm.
  24. Meh don't really care. Only thing that I find kind of baffling is using S.W.A.T for all narcotics warrants.
  25. sovietboat@hotmail.com SovietSteel is my in-game name.
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