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LaGesse 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Posts posted by LaGesse 1st MRB

  1. 2 hours ago, I. Turner 1st MRB said:

    We're you a machine gunner and what branch

    My first 2 years I was a gunner then 2 more years as a assistant gunner. Then I got moved from dismount and became a gunner for a Bradley.

    Army NG OIF-OEF 09-10


  2. This evening turned out pretty good. I logged on the into the DMZ hive and decided to check my surroundings for loot. After all, I got a couple stands and a feed shack. Found a hunting scope and a Hunters back pack. Then I decided to check out the Barns there didn't find anything but a coke. Then...as I was exiting the last barn I see a helicopter crash site. All right there in front of me. A good 300m later I find A lot of assorted magazines a couple attachments one being a silencer for my pistol.  After that I logged out...from inside of the crashed Heli. ^.^

  3. 21 hours ago, Samuels 1st MRB said:

    Freezing & Drenched  = we can build a fire to warm you up and dry you off

    Hungry = have both canned and cooked food so no prob

    ****Thirsty = This is a prob because both me and Armstrong have no soda or water so moves need to be made to obtain supplies

    Sick = Depending on whether you need charcoal tabs or antibiotics we might be able to fix that, Armstrong has some left over from when he was sick last night


    And bleeding?  Unless youre out of rags we should be fine to patch you up and saline you back to full color

    I was being sarcastic but cool lol

  4. In the woods next to a hunter's stand on the west side of Zelen, just south of a couple cattle pens on the DMZ server. The woods has two Hunter Stands facing south and a feed shack just north of em.

  5. On 2/27/2017 at 8:54 AM, I. Turner 1st MRB said:

    You know what the greatest game ever was tamagachi pets. If it made you mad you could starve it to death and PETA wouldn't say a word.


    16 hours ago, J. Wilson 1st MRB said:

    If you had one of these turner you grew up in the good years... ha ha ha, Digimon Go!

    I remember these. I had two of em. One was a dog...the other was a baby....both suffered many losses

  6. W

    6 hours ago, J. Anderson 1st MRB said:

    I used to have a Sega megadrive (Genesis) that i used to play games such as Sonic and Alteredbeast but then i moved up when we got a PS1 and played the first MoH, FF7 and games like that. And later on that we got a PS2 and played other MoH games and Rayman as well as Colin McRae rally, FFX etc. But the PS2 broke down and then we had an Xbox and i was introduced to Halo, i have been an Xbox guy ever since. And then i purchased a 360 and kept playing all the Halo's as well as all the other games from last gen and lastly i bought an XBone even though they were delayed by about a year here...


    I have never had a Nintendo which means i never got into that chubby bearded red clothed plumber everybody is on about.

    Who is also addicted to mushrooms I might add :D

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