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I. Turner 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by I. Turner 1st MRB

  1. You know what the greatest game ever was tamagachi pets. If it made you mad you could starve it to death and PETA wouldn't say a word.
  2. Can you please turn that into a badge for his signature lol
  3. This came back to bite him in the ass. Way to go gothe you are the 1st MRB rock eater.
  4. I've always wondered what it would be like to take the nes bazooka and play duck hunt with it.
  5. If you make me miss the duck I will by breaking that gun over your head lol (which I have done but no death resulted)
  6. Yea and what about all that trash underneath bye Felicia go home your drunk
  7. I'm going to correct you duck hunter is the grandfather of all modern shooters I didn't like goldeneye
  8. Holquist my nintendo 64 is older than you how the heck you even know what it is it came out a year before you were born.
  9. Do you both even donkey Kong or Pokémon stadium or army men or wipeout
  10. I have a Nintendo 64 that's like a Xbox one right
  11. I've been thinking about getting bf1 and was wondering if anyone had it and played it.
  12. I found a tribe im going to join ill let you guys know what server.
  13. Does anyone still or would be willing to play ark I got it over the weekend and been playing on a local but I'd like to play online but want a group first. Or is everyone playing conan now
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