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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. 227ms average I bet fps gaming pros average like 100 ms lol. Had to add that in. DON'T BE USING WIRELESS MICE PEOPLE!!!
  2. This could get ugly. I feel like people are gonna vote trump just for laughs lol
  3. I only posted one video as a sample. He makes fire with a few tools that he's already shown being made in the past (which is why I previously recommended you watch his videos in order. PAY ATTENTION BOONE LOL). Some tools include firesticks, cord drills and pump drills:
  4. There is a YouTube channel I stumbled upon called Primitive Technology. It is one man building and surviving in the wilderness with just primitive tools that he made from scratch, and he progressively builds new and better forms of technology (he basically goes from sticks, to mud, to clay, etc...). Right now he's got a clay hut, stone tools, bow and arrow, sling, baskets, a kiln, clay pots for water, farming, and he just made a forge (so bronze age here we come?). He doesn't talk in any of his videos but he does a great job of capturing and editing his step-by-step process for everything he makes. He is in the wilderness of Far North Queensland, Australia. He has a normal life and job and he just goes there on the weekend to camp and make these projects. It is a really cool channel and I thought I'd share it cuz I was pretty fascinated with how he made everything from just stuff around him and it makes me feel like I've been so lazy my whole life haha. I recommend starting from the first video and work your way up so you can see his progress as he expands his little area: Primitive Technology Channel (THIS IS NOT HIS FIRST VIDEO, THIS IS ONE FURTHER ALONG)
  5. I don't but I'm just wondering how many people are actually addicted to this game. It's not available in Canada but you can easily get around that by signing into your app store with your location set to US, and so I noticed a lot of people in the city just sitting together with their heads buried in their phones. I find it remarkable that this game turns everyone into zombies lmao.
  6. HBO CONFIRMS WHO BOTH OF JON SNOW'S PARENTS ARE http://ca.ign.com/articles/2016/06/29/hbo-confirms-who-both-of-jon-snows-parents-are
  7. Aw yes Germans keeping it classy
  8. I don't play WoW so I can't speak to that, however, I play(ed) other Blizzard products such as Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone and most recently Overwatch. None of these games have really overpowered characters, they are all pretty well balanced. It's all about the player, if you're good at the game then you're gonna perform well with any character you play. I'm quite happy with the balance of power for characters in Overwatch, they each have their pros and cons and some are more suitable for certain situations than others. It seems like due to your long experience with how they handle WoW you're bunching all other Blizzard games into the hate pile. There's no reason to hate Blizzard for Overwatch, they have done a great job and have released a reasonably well balanced set of characters. You should give the game a try
  9. Balancing happens in almost every game, especially in this genre. League of Legends, Dota, CS:GO, Smite, Heroes of the Storm, and others all have patches/updates to address balancing needs. So it's not Blizzard being idiots, it's Blizzard trying to improve on their already impressive product.
  10. Yeah but Ned would not have been in King's Landing if Jon Arryn was still alive.
  11. I've been an avid fan of Total War and Warhammer for many years so when I heard the two were getting married I was excited. The game is excellent, it's exactly what I'd hoped it would be. I agree that the base product isn't 100% perfect BUT with a few mods this game is a new favorite of mine. The only mods I've tried are for multiplayer purposes, for example, a mod that allows players to choose the same race and allows you to conquer any race. My only advice for this game: if you play on hard+, be sure to get a shit ton of heroes patrolling the map, the AI likes to spam heroes and fuck with your shit constantly.
  12. I don't trust a game where Johnson gets legendary votes from people for doing 1,100 healing with Lucio. To put it into perspective for you, the average healing done is about 3500.
  13. OH SNAP!!! Yes, yes I will buy this game.
  14. I found out Johnson has never played Assassin's Creed. I don't like this fact.
  15. Horses. Sabers. Blimps. Sign me up!
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