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Parker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Parker 1st MRB

  1. OMG Please release the game soon.
  2. Jeremy Clarkson is advertising it so it must be good Amazon Prime Air
  3. I would read it but tbh it kind of intimidates me. I get lost a lot just watching the show, I can't even imagine how I would handle the book considering all the extra details, characters and stories that they left out of the show.
  4. Johnson: Chickens are females though. Yamagata: Those are hens... *silence*
  5. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/MRB
  6. Thank you kindly. Just so people understand how I made that video and don't think I hack here's how I did it - I took a demo and played it back using console to view it in wireframe mode. I recorded that and placed it on top of the original demo in my video editor. I messed around with it and that's what I got. I never really finished the video but I figured I'd post it now since I'm never gonna finish it anyway
  7. Haha I had a feeling someone was gonna think I was serious with that answer
  8. Not sure if I ever posted this because I never completely finished it and it was unlisted on my youtube account. I hope you enjoy *Never slow peek like I did at the beginning of the video haha!!*
  9. Europe is a country near Russia.
  10. Confirmed for 2016? When is this game coming out?!!?!!!?!!!?
  11. Grilled cheese sandwich Meatball sandwich Po' boy sandwich Reuben sandwich Pulled-Pork sandwich Monte Cristo sandwich Philly Cheese Steak sandwich Shall I go on? Hot dog sandwich perhaps? I don't know.
  12. I don't know anymore? Is it? Help me....
  13. 10/10 video. I'm pretty sure the only reason Ryan Reynolds was born was to play Deadpool.
  14. Looks like it's gonna be a combo of Windows Defender and Malwarebytes for me. Thanks everyone.
  15. Not very prone. Average I guess? I didn't have a virus on my last computer. Doesn't matter how involved I am, I just want zie best!
  16. Just got a new computer and I'm deciding what antivirus to go with. After doing some research, I'm currently using Panda Antivirus but I figured maybe some of you might have some insight into some better antivirus software. Free or paid, doesn't matter. The best is all I desire Thanks!
  17. Parker 1st MRB


    The Spoils of War Left-to-Right: Gearheart, Kirkendall, Willow Sleeping: Mottola Photographer: Parker
  18. Haha thanks for the wishes everyone. Keep being awesome people
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