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J. Ascencio 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by J. Ascencio 1st MRB

  1. You'd trip trying to put the go-pro on your head Lmfao XD
  2. Its most likely your monitor what kind of setup do you have? What video card do you have? What are you using to connect your video card to the monitor? HDMI, DVI or VGA? Also you might want to try that monitor on another computer or video card.
  3. I know a little bit about cases but I know quite a bit about power supplys. From what u have seen an 800 watt power supply will do just fine for you just make sure it will fit in the case. The price for this lower supply will differ depending on what brand you want I prefer a brand called thermaltake they make great products and its backed by a warranty.
  4. Saw this video and I thought it was pretty funny. I had never heard of this app until Gilmore brought it up but it turns out it's pretty popular XD Couldn't figure out the whole embed code so here's a link http://teamcoco.com/video/conan-dave-franco-tinder-remote
  5. I agree with sky it could be your sound card over heating I know you do have a laptop and laptops do tend to get hot especially when plugged into a charger. Does this problem happen after a while or does is your computer on for a while then this happens? Also there are a couple of things you can do . 1. Reinstall origin (I'm pretty sure you can reinstall it without having to reinstall all your games) 2. Try updating the drivers for your sound card if no updates are available then reinstall the drivers.
  6. Its actually very easy there are many different programs for different services. Like cain and able is used for consoles and you can use comm view for steam
  7. if this happens to you a lot you should consider getting a vpn they are only a few bucks a month and it will divert all that unwanted traffic
  8. Distributed Denial of service. Basically when you flood someones internet with traffic.
  9. I had a iphone 4s and it broke about two months ago so i took it out back and shot it now i have an android
  10. Wow what a great read! I thought I was the only one from el paso!!
  11. looks great! They have a pretty good cast
  12. Lol as long as you are not giving away keys than you are okay. If its just like steam cards and stuff than youre good.
  13. Yea thats the beauty!! People buy the games cheap from steam sales then they sell them for keys and then when the sales are over and the price of keys goes back up they sell they keys on the market. Valve takes their cut and the player gets his or her money.
  14. So I was trying to explain this to some of our fellow 1st MRB members but they werent really getting the jist of the whole thing so they told me I should make a video, so i did! Please let me know if you have any questions and sorry for the bad quality!
  15. Super smash bros and golden eye are definitely 2 of my favs
  16. It fixed on its own i guess idk what happened but you can move this topic or close it Thanks
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