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Sanborne 1st MRB

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Posts posted by Sanborne 1st MRB

  1. So, A while back i signed up for the closed beta in hopes of getting a key,  As luck would have it i got two somehow so myself and my girlfriend have been playing it as we're both rather large fans of the Witcher Franchise and i myself wasted hours of my life playing Gwent in the third game, So to anyone who enjoyed Gwent, Or would find intrest in trying the New F2P game by CD Projekt Red I'll leave links to their FAQ / Registration And even a video showing off gameplay below, But i can safely say that with 8+ hours in the last 3 days when i have time, The game has yet to lose it's value to me, 


    While it may look like you can just spam micro-transactions to win, These are entirely Optional as just by playing the game you can Earn currency or "Ores" To buy Kegs which give you Five cards each, Or simply by leveling up you can get kegs, Or cards. They also have a break down / Craft system for the cards where you can  mill for scrap and craft them for "Scrap" which can be used to craft copies of cards you'd rather not grind kegs for.


                  And for those of you intrested in trying to get into the beta before Open beta / Official launch, Here's the registration page and a link to their FAQ to explain the concept of the game

                                                                                                         https://www.playgwent.com/en             https://www.playgwent.com/en/faq





  2. 3 hours ago, I. Turner 1st MRB said:

    I don't do much ranked cause people in bronze silver and gold act like they are gonna become a pro I do aram, blind pick and 3s

    I normally just did Aram or customs back when everyone used to play, One of my more favorite matches forgive me if i can't recall everyone but a few i do recall are Parker, Kirkendall, Mottola, Wells, Mcdowell and i believe Mcgarr? But i prefer to just do fun rounds with friends rather then worry about any of the shit associated with rank xP

  3. I tried ranked once, Got into an argument with what seemed like a 15 year old who thought threatening to kill himself would be a fun excuse for trolling the team, Caught a two week ban and a rank-ban for like. 5 matches? and just said "Yeah, Ima go back to smite" that said, I prefer heroes of the storm, I can just play it and relax without worrying about people bitching about what i buy or how i build my shit, or if you're a level behind because its a global level scale.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 3 hours ago, I. Turner 1st MRB said:

    I had a ton of hours in Dota and Dota 2 when I switched to league and it's so much better and less of a cancerous community.

    Is that counting the insanely toxic side of league that made me quit about two years ago?

  5. Name: PorkSauce

    Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:1012905

    Duration of Ban: Perm

    Reasons for the Ban: User has 7 bans for teamkilling on our servers, All of which were this year., they obviously have no intent to play and would otherwise create an Environment that we don't need in our servers.

    Demo Provided?: Y/N


  6. Name: Browstone

    Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:35208425

    Duration of Ban: Perm

    Reasons for the Ban: User has five bans for teamkilling on our servers, Three this year alone, they obviously have no intent to play and would otherwise create an Environment that we don't need in our servers.

    Demo Provided?: Y/N


  7. I find it easier, you get your quests and such, and you even have a chance to get the heros out of your boxes per level, I believe Capt. Mcdowell said his level was 375 currently? and it can go higher to my knowledge, so you should have more then enough play-time to earn shards / skins / mounts etc, It really lowers the desire to buy gems imo since you can earn most of it from random rolls, (Note, Boxes get 3 re-rolls each for gold)

  8. It'd been a while since i'd played, But from what i gather, Your hero level is based on your overall levels combined between characters, You can now unlock all the skins bikes etc with shards which you get through boxes per level / achivments / quest (sorta like Overwatch.) and beyond that i think Mcdowell or someone with more experience in the game would have more insight, but i do suggest, Grabbing the 20 pack while you can, 20 heros for 100 gems is an amazing deal considering most of them are 500 - 700 gems at the minimum per character,

  9. Name: Ripley

    Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:3119735

    Duration of Ban: Permanent

    Reasons for the Ban:  Teamkilling

    Demo Provided?: Y/N

    Comments: User has three bans on our servers, One of which was a month long that just expired, Showed no intent to change his attitude and came back to go on another spree of -50, I opt'd to up his week ban to perm as we don't need people like this creating a negative environment in the pub.

  10. http://us.battle.net/heroes/en/heroes20/megabundles/


    So Heroes of the Storm 2.0 Released earlier this month on the 25th, And for i believe the next week or so, anyone who logs in gets enough gems for a 20 hero bundle more or less for free, The link above shows off the four bundles and the heroes in each, It's actually a pretty amazing deal considering each bundle is 100 Gems, if you decide to play choose carefully though, Once you buy one of the bundles the remaining 3 become unbuyable.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Musleh 1st MRB said:

    I really REALLY liked battlefield 1. it made me love battlefield games again after the terrible Hardline game... it was only a matter of time before COD copies the success and the only logical choice would be WWII. I really hope its a fresh change for COD but I highly doubt they will deliver what the gamers actually want. COD was dead to me for YEARS. Last one I bought was Ghosts and we all know how that ended. 


    This one i might actually consider. I will wait for the release and look at reviews first. I know I'm going to get disappointed.... but i love WWII based games (Who would have thought!  :P)


    I have a feeling this is just going to be regular, old, boring, repetitive COD with a WWII skin. Actually I wouldnt be surprised at all. But still... cool trailer! 

    The only way i'll buy this game is if it's a new story that isn't some rehashed bs from past games or trying to connect it to shit it doesn't need to be thrown in with, BF1 worked in the aspect that it was new, It revived battlefield atleast for me after EA / Dice fucked up battlefront and hardline. CoD fucked itself for me after World at war, I stopped buying it around then. Though with that said i might just wait and see if the game has good reception and see how it looks dlc wise, If it's not entirely hell on earth i might give it a shot, world at war was good, But then they started taking price, And Reznov, And adding them into games 30 - 40 years in the future and they hadn't aged much i got tired of it.

  12. 1 minute ago, Marsden 1st MRB said:

    We have already seen the begginings of pay for a game now and get it later, what do you call Days of War and other Early Access Titles? Some do it well. Others do it poorly. Hopefully Activision will never even be able to get into that funderfull little "market"

    not to mention i think they still bounce it between two developers every other year..activision and.. infinity ward, But i can't recall if infinity closed down or not, so i may just be talking out of my ass,

  13. I held a low barred hope that they would try going back and listening to their fans, Then they started locking more and more behind their dlc wall, And just making more futuristic bs, So i gave up on even waiting for a new game that wouldn't be spoon fed shit that the mass of teenagers that play it will eventually buy, ww2 sounded nice, But i think personally they're just trying to cash in on the fact BF1 did so well, Even if the game was good, You'd be buying 25% of it at release, and the rest in the season pass, Pretty soon you'll buy the title, then pay another 60 for the actual game and the multiplayer, It's stupid. and they're getting bolder with what they lock behind walls, zombies pissed me off personally, Its the only reason i bought ghosts, Because my cousins kid wanted someone to play it with, Beyond that i didn't buy the games anymore due to their dlc locks


    Sidenote- Maybe it was just because i was on xbox, But my experience between cod and battlefield is people on cod will call you every name under the book if you aren't doing good, Where as battlefield you'd rarely hear anyone outside of an xbox party. Ingame chatter was pretty bare on most servers. . I'm aware its the difference in communities, But i think its sad when an entire fanbase for a game is mostly racists and homophobes,

  14. 1 hour ago, Ripley 1st MRB said:

    Shoot shoot shoot shoot cutscene cutscene cutscene cutscene. Rinse and repeat. PRESS F TO PAY RESPECTS, COD IS DEAD. Full disclosure: I am an old man so I remember how great COD, United Offensive and COD 2 were/are.

    I'm with ripley, After their whole fetish for jetboots and handheld railguns blew up in their face it's not going to be as simple as coming back with a ww2 title. Fans have been asking for a throw-back for ages, While EA listened and gave battlefield 1, the cod side was more or less "Heres more space shit, Buy our crap", Not to mention locking things that were once commonly free behind the dlc wall, Such as zombies which if i recall was a base feature in world at war. so in tow with what ripley said Cod is just dead, Theres no real chance to come back from this unless they get their shit together which likely won't happen,

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