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S. Hill

Distinguished Civilian
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Posts posted by S. Hill

  1. Congratulations on your new member of the family. B) you will have some sleepless nights for a while feeding and changing but while the child is growing up you will have more joyous moments then sleepless nights. I wish you two the best and see you in the game when you two can play. =D

  2. chances are they are not gona follow the old comics and such. They are gona put there own twist on things in this movie. I do know for a fact if not for supermans strength Batman would win hands down. There was a comic i remember reading one time where batman and superman are dukeing it out cause batman is tired of supermans attitude i think. so batman worked with lex luther to make some cryptonite gloves and then batman and superman go head to head in a fist fight and superman got his but handed to him.

  3. i have to say this guy has Robin Williams pegged in voice about 98% of it. he sounds ALMOST like him, but a minor inflection is missing in his voice but he has it roughly down pat. i can see in a few years he can get that voice down to the T and sound just like him.

  4. If i can figure out how to copy and paste or take a full screen shot of my score in the journal then you will see my total kill count among friends and such. all my stats, such as MVP's, kills, Aces, and what not. =)

  5. I Have skateboard on hills, and i had a bad accident on one when i skinned the whole left side of my leg when i wiped out and it was skinned from the mid thigh all the way down to my ankle while on a boogie skateboard (that is a WIDE board and was very loose from tricks and such i used to do on it) and shortly there after i quit skateboarding. i learned to NEVER go down a semi steep hill or a VERY steep hill. i try avoiding going down the Biggest hill into our apartment complex and i went down a side path and lost control thus my accident. I still have the scars from that accident and its been over 25 yrs since then.

  6. i re-applied to the RAC. I am playing over the next few days trying to get some tier tanks i have been working on for a while now. gona use up that x3 xp gain as quick as i can get it as well as that log-in bonus. =)

  7. For a moment there i thought i was gonna have to invent a reality machine and go to the Star Trek universe and get a bunch of Tribbles and have them Mailed to your house and then they would reproduce and eat all the food in your house. basically in roughly about 5 hours your house would be full of tribbles and you couldn't get out. =) Please don't' scare me like that again sir. lol

  8. They have Actually done tests with half life 2 in the re-vive VR setting. so most likely they will have the Half life 3 be part of the Re-Vive and one without it. i saw a video of them doing a test run with Half life 2 episode 2 missions using the Re-vive gear.

  9. Loved the end part when barry sniped with a no scope on 1 axis guy and also hit a allied as well for a 2 man kill shot. even though that shot was taken from him. =) that was a damn good shot though. Damn fine sniping too. =)

  10. A married couple of over 30 years of marriage go to bed at the same time for the past 20 years. The husband always lets out a fart during the morning when his wife wakes up and she comments one day "if your not careful your guts are gonna come out. One year for thanksgiving the wife gets up and the same thing happens again, but this time since the husband is now retired he decides to sleep in. She goes down to the kitchen and begins to make thanksgiving dinner. While she is cleaning out the insides of the turkey she has a brilliant idea on how to get even with her husband for all the years of waking up to a fart in the morning. she takes the bowl of turkey guts and goes upstairs and slides into the bed just behind her husbands rear. She goes back down to finish making the thanksgiving meal. After 3 hours have passed since she placed the guts in the bed, the husband comes back down and walks into the kitchen and says "well i finally got it all back in."

  11. Angel with a shotgun - The Cab

    My songs know what you did in the dark (light Em Up) - Fall Out Boy

    Let the Bodies hit the floor - Drowning Pool

    Guardian - alanis morrisette

    Radioactive - Imagine Dragons

    Headstrong - Trapt

    Run to the hills - Iron Maiden - The Number of the Beast album

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