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J. Hill

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by J. Hill

  1. ROFLMAO.....Although I am old, I am not that bad. I hope.......
  2. You are both MSgt's and both of your names start with a C.
  3. Hard to beat the Hawaiian Sweet Bread.
  4. would love to score with that. Go Canada......
  5. The hack that was going around .........
  6. Same here in Ct Top. just normal McD food. Wonder if they have weird food at their Wendy's????????
  7. You people are great. I very seldom smile and I usually don't laugh at all. The only thing that can make me laugh is Jeff Dunham and funny cats. this post has made me laugh more this month than I have in the last 6 months. Looks like there is hope for me after all.
  8. funny as hell Melnyk. I really laughed at that one. thanks.
  9. You don't have to overclock to have overheating. Dust build up on cooling fans will cause it also.
  10. seems like taking something simple and complicating it.
  11. years ago, when I was living in Richmond, there was one neighborhood, that if you moved into it and you were not Muslim, you were FORCED to move, even if they had to burn down your home. How much worse has it gotten. How much worse will it get. How much worse does it have to get before people open their eyes? How much worse does it have to get before our Government does something about it? True, in the past we had ethnic neighborhoods. The Italians, Irish, German, Polish, Chinese and so on, but they were not trying to destroy our government, our religion, or take our lives. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslim.
  12. do what I do..... keep your guns handy and be vigilant.
  13. nice pets everyone. I have seen dogs with a harness and dogs with a collar. My least favorite collar is the choke collar. BE CAREFUL with those. We used to have a German Shepard when I was young that had one of those collars. We had a LONG leader line line across the back yard that we used to use to let him run across the entire back yard. Some IDIOT connected him to that and used the wrong connection. We ended up having yto take him to the vet and they had to CUT the chain from the choke collar out of his neck. Those are dangerous.
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