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Posts posted by Voytek

  1. I've drank many a red bull over the years but there is no way I can support this class action suit by claiming my part of the reward. It's ridiculous how Americans keep trying to make a buck off of vague verbage on products.

  2. So today I took my ASVAB :D the only parts i found a little challenging was the Arithmetic reasoning and the auto and shop. I dont know shit about cars and tools :'(. Other than that I feel I did well. I have to wait two weeks for the results since I did not take the test at MEPS. Here goes the longest two weeks of my life!

    Yeah that was the part I did worst on with the ASVAB, but somehow got picked for a job working on engines and electronics anyway.

  3. Hahaha yeah I agree. Btw how do you get it so you can see people's avatar(or whatever Steam calls it) when they speak in voice chat? Actually if you could share all your skins n crap that'd be nice, I like your setup.

  4. Ya know I didn't even really vote correctly, because I voted for the console that I had the most fun with, and it's not a popular vote. My favorite console of all time was the Sega Dreamcast...Yeah that one. It was the first console I ever pre-ordered(well actually my mom did, for my birthday) and I have so many wonderful memories of playing that system that it is #1 in my heart. If I was able to pick a second it'd be NES, because that was the first video game system I ever had and killed so many hours on that thing as a young buck.

  5. "DO YOU BELIEVE IN MIRACLES? YES!" After a week of frustration and just giving up on ESO, I finally finished the download this morning...only to have server maintenance taking place. So I'll be on later, will probably start fresh because I have no idea what kind of state my old characters are in.

  6. You know how I jokingly said It'd take a week to download? Well it's still downloading...currently working through every incremental patch they've put out(Why don't these people just condense it into one patch?). There has got to be some issue with their DL service because im capped at like 90kb/s and after googling the issue it seems like there is a TON of people that have had the same issue. I'm crossing my fingers that this patch will be the last!

  7. If i remember correctly, it goes based off of account name right? If so, my account name is jak831. I probably wont be done downloading the client until tomorrow morning, but let me know which faction youre playing in and i'll probably start a new character, just to get back into the swing of things.

  8. Hey guys I just realized I have a gift copy of HL2 and HL2:EP 1 if anyone wants them. Being that we play a game using the Source engine, I'm sure most of you have played it, but if not hit me up either here or Steam and I'll gift it to you. First come, first serve.

  9. I played back during launch, I think I'll reinstall since I've got a new laptop and the game would definitley look pretty on it.

    27GB DOWNLOAD!?!? K I might be done with it next week haha. damn public internet...

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