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Melnyk 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Posts posted by Melnyk 1st MRB

  1. I think that all these recent terrorist attacks rant helping the muslim population in any way. If anything, the governments might start monitoring these no go zones more frequently and possibly prevent any future attacks. Really a sad time right now and lets hope that these issues don't become more racial issues not just terrorist based.

    Just to add swell, just mentioning these no go zones as something terrible and something that will "finish Europe" is already not a good sign of the direction politics and the news is heading right now.

    Another addition, the second video is just crazy at how she talks towards the muslims and this should be a joint effort. But also, don't watch fox news. Plain and simple. I personally watch CNN, they are not the best but they don't talk and have these terrible discussions about no go zones and radical islam as badly. But again, its my opinion i guess.

  2. Great responses guys,and Beglar, how long do you think Russia can fight against a the sanctions economically until he pulls out the gold and screws everyone? Also. Do you think that there is any chance Ukraine will be able to stay unified and keep its independence? Plus, in my opinion the west can't do much against Putin just cause of the circumstance everyone is out in. He can take the dinner and not be touched by the west or anyone for that matter sadly.

  3. I myself was born in Ukraine and live with a primary Ukrainian family. I get to hear ulkranians side of the story through news and the Russian propaganda( which is actually kind of funny because how outrageous the claims they make) and am just wondering what are some public opinions of Americans and even Europeans and any one else on this server.

  4. The thing with Putin is that he is slowly going insane and idiotic in his decisions. His ex soviet and KGB mentality are really bringing the country down. The ruble or Russian currency has dropped over 60%, and the whole country is getting poorer and poorer. He's isolating the country from everyone and still thinks he can find a war vs Ukraine and take territories without any economic or political backlash. If there would be conflict between major super powers, the best thing would be to wait because the Russian economy under Putlers control is coming down quick. Plus, let's hope he's sane enough not do start such major conflicts and propose a nuclear threat.

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