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Melnyk 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Posts posted by Melnyk 1st MRB

  1. Still non of this shit is comparable to the stuff that happened in Ukraines capitol with the peoples battle vs the corrupted government and the Berkut police. Now that was a war zone, this was a while back but some of the photos look real scary, like some of the ones posted previously. I just recently saw a photo of the Berkut police actually crucifying a civilian. Thank god we have a a proper police force that kept the Baltimore incident from getting to far out of hand, or it would be another ferguson.

  2. chances are they are not gona follow the old comics and such. They are gona put there own twist on things in this movie. I do know for a fact if not for supermans strength Batman would win hands down. There was a comic i remember reading one time where batman and superman are dukeing it out cause batman is tired of supermans attitude i think. so batman worked with lex luther to make some cryptonite gloves and then batman and superman go head to head in a fist fight and superman got his but handed to him.

    I watched an animated comic where superman working for the government dukes it out with old batman after a nuclear attack caused revolts and chaos in America. Gotham was the only city that didn't suffer and prospered instead due to batman rallying and taking control of all the crooks and revolters. The armor batman wears looks very similar to the one in this movie so maybe the way he beats superman will be relatively close to this version, forgot the name of the movie and comic though :/

  3. We'd like to do outposts for Camelot, but they're damned expensive! You can still mine outside of the Town, but you won't have block protection and PvP is enabled in unclaimed wilderness.

    Westward expansion, Oregon trail haha. Like you probably know, if there's a whitelist or when the server goes public, we will be there to help out.

  4. Hmm .. If I install it again I could probably join as a humble miner. Just go out and grab resources for everyone and dump them into a chest or something.

    Same, I would have setup a medieval mining outpost and dig till I died.

    Create a huge quarry then mine in certain locations in it to create a cool aesthetic and medieval theme.

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