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Posts posted by Scinta

  1. It's a big sideshow that we kicked off with Iraq and then encouraging anti-Assad rebels while doing nothing to help them for years. Also pretty sure that Russian leaders are glad that Syria means we aren't talking about the annexation of a chunk of Ukraine anymore.

    The real threat is China, who is watching, waiting, seeing how much they can get away with while building up a first class military where budget cuts aren't an issue. Very soon they'll say jump and we'll ask what cliff off of.

    China's military is shit the average soldier gets up to 20k$ worth of equipment for combat in the US and China gets under 2k plus that 'aircraft carrier' is anything but a hollow metal barge full of aircraft with no advanced computers they bought from russia. nothing to worry about except their training bases that look similar to taiwan's capital

  2. 10-15% of the United States Marine Corps has been dedicated to operations in and around the South China Sea for over a decade. The 3rd MEU regularly is positioned to be ready to react to threats in the area. Including hostile action taken by the Peoples Republic of China against Taiwan or hostile action taken by North Korea in any direction. Keep in mind that this is only including active Marines (Which in 2014 totaled fewer than 200K). So with 10-15% of the Marine Corps stationed in the South China Sea our forces total fewer than 20K fighting men and fewer than 200 aircraft. We have our Marines stationed around the world so that at any time the most amount of time to pass between an order being issued and boots on the ground will be 8 hours. And we really do mean any where.

    Additionally if you have any citations or sources for the information about Turkey funding the majority of the Anti-Assad fighters I would greatly appreciate to have a link XD

    While I am indeed against Daesh (I will not refer to this group of radicals as a sovereign nation and anyone serious about seeing an end of Daesh should stop giving them the respect of being referred to as such), I supported the goals of the anti-Assad movements when they began 4 years ago. The simple fact of how Assad responded to these movements was evidence enough that he indeed needs to be stripped of any and all power; there is a group of 30 armed combatants; carpet bomb a quarter of the city, great fucking plan. Daesh only exists because of the failure of NATO itself. As far as calling for Turkey's removal from being a NATO Member state, that would be nice and the rednecks have been calling for it for a long time. We don't trust the Turks all that much more than we trust our own politicians or Russia's politicians (I am confident the actual people of Russia mean the rest of the world no lasting ill will or intentions to kill us all; I think that is the governments in place and their puppetmasters).

    http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/th...m-the-ground-up <The ISIS Oil Trade, from the Ground Up

    <Russia's briefing on why Turkey shot down their jet.

    http://www.henryakissinger.com/articles/wsj101615.html <Henry Kissinger on the destabilization of the Middle East.

    those are your articles about this so far I have not heard the US response to these allegation but so far It looks pretty clear that Turkey has some explaining to do. Also, China as well as North Korea has a recent rift when North Korea restarted it's nuclear program, and now the US is doing a similar program for the South.....I mean wtf dude...

  3. I have several friend from gaming communities I play with from CSGO, Vega conflict, Star Trek Online, 1 from Starcraft 2, 1 from battlefield 4, and 2 good friends from on a old game i used to play and met in real life. most of them have joined the military to STOP ISIS and any of them from trying to get into the country and such. Turkey has caught red handed a few members of ISIS trying to get into there country through the country back roads and passes. Turkey is gathering a group together to combat them from trying to get in the country to sneak in to other countries around the world. Turkey is putting a STOP to ISIS and using there available troops to halt there spread and protect its citizens from them.

    Yeah I heard they are violating Iraq's northerns border, according to the Lions of Rojava the Turks have been bombing the Kurds more since. So it's basically militias in the crossfire of everyone's influence in the conflict that is pouring into neighboring countries. Thankfully Israel was smart enough to keep communications with Russia about how to deal with Russian jets violating Isarel's airspace near the Syrian Border, and so far each Russian plane complied with the warning and went back into Syria.

    'Tensions have soared in Turkey since a Kurdish rally in Ankara was bombed last month' so you Have Turkey fighting ISIS forces/ kurdish militias without any discretion, this could seriously change the aspects of how the Kurds deal with other Islamic countries, and may spark Kurds in Turkey to rip up the truce between Turkey and the Kurdish groups in Turkey. What Turkey is afraid of is Kurds coming into Turkey from Syria and Iraq, but so far the Kurds deny that they want anything to do with Turkey (history shows that ethnic minorities under Turkish rule do not get the last laugh.) I understand what Turkey is doing by simply keeping their borders secure, but randomly running around Kurd majority border towns and shooting the place up is not how to deal with this. also Iraq warned that anyone violating their borders would preemptively strike before they reached a mile within their country.

  4. Turkey supports ethnic cleansing and keeping kurds under dominated splinted and fractured in Syria, Turkey, Iraq, and Iran. as well as bombing Kurds fighting isis so Turkey can go fuck themselves. Turkey also funds most of the regimes against assad and part of them happen to be isis so im not sure what you are trying to get when you say Turkey doesnt trust Russia when we are telling them what to do.

  5. I have not been so active this week after finding evidence from Russia about why Turkey shot down their jet. according to Comrade Putin Turkey and ISIS are monopolizing on Syria's inability to stop massive oil tanking convoys going into NATO backed Turkey, when Russia decided to stop this obvious illegal trading of oil Turkey gave the jet 17 seconds to react before shooting it down, but then this is where shit gets weird. Russia sends in a helicopter to pick them up but is attacked by Hezbollah and lost one marine trying to rescue the pilot's body. Being a huge skeptic and watching the Syrian war fold out from birth to present has made me feel completely disgusted at the state of the world and I just want to give the cold hard facts about this, you may not like it and I sure as fuck do not like this either. but I want to make sure that at least somebody has the info before you spew out the BS. First, let me just say that ISIS is evil and I am all for everyone working together to make sure these guys never get recognition for being a major threat to the world ever again. Second, what I do not like is the fact that we are backing up Turkey who just recently was caught red handed, shaking hands with ISIS and being friendly on the border of Syria. Meanwhile, Russia decides to build it's 'invincible' electronic aircraft designed to make sure all Russian military forces have communication in case of nuclear detonation nearby to be built two weeks from now instead of being finished by the end of the year. Third, Turkey must be considered banished from NATO and anyone who buys into this crap that we didn't know anything about it, there has been reportedly gallons of oil being convoyed into three major highways from Syria to Turkey, therefor Russia reacts, Turkey freaks out when the Russian plane was apparently taking photos of evidence proving Turkey was putting it on their own trucks at a junction, so now there is 150,000 Russians in Syria and thousands on the Ukrainian border, 15% of the USMC has been stationed near the South China Sea, as well as 1,000 in Poland bordering Russia's Prussia territory. Maybe this is just a big misunderstanding but the world has not been at a height of nuclear annihilation since the cold war, which by the way is still very close to why the world is like this right now. according to Henry Kissinger we are at the brink of having the final superpower clash of the world, and only has room for one, the U.S. has been baiting Russia and China while we have apparently found a way to stop nukes from coming into NATO airspace. Gorbachev states that Russia has no way to deter the US since the fall of the Union, so most of their US foreign policy really has not changed when it comes to military retaliation, while we have been keeping our military tech up to date by having these proxy wars in the ME and selling arms to the ME. Now I am not stating that I enjoy the situation, in fact I am pretty sure the world would like and pretend that everything is okay, but when I say that WW 3 is coming, you bet your ass somebody is going to drop the ball harder then Turkey and Russia right now. I am going to post the DEFCON warning system link here in case you need a little update on what is happening around the world that would make the US launch it's entire payload, as well as it's CIA virus package meant to sabotage oil and nuclear computers transmit all of the information from that computer, then make the computer destroy itself never revealing where the hacking came from. If you or anyone you can think of can give me a better perspective on what is going on please do not hesitate to post here.


  6. Name:GO KINGS GO!!!!

    Steam I.D:U:1:7385894

    Reasons for the Ban:asked multiple times to not talk about political/stereo typically racist subjects in pub chat/ all talk. Brenton accidentally tked him and then King tked him multiple times and disrespected me when I told him to stop tking/talk about controversial topics and saying racist phrases. As well as harassing MRB member (me) about if I am an admin and why I suck etc.

    Recommended duration of ban: already banned, but he got away with a lot before muppet came into the server.

    Demo Provided?:no but Brenton, Muppet Puncher and Ouch that Hurt witnessed the events in multiple stages.

  7. ^

    London Philharmonic Orchestra - Greatest Video Game Music Album

    from Metal Gear Solid 2 to Legend Of Zelda these two albums give a new meaning to the word epic soundtrack haha.


    2nd album 1) AC - Rev. - 0:05 2) Skyrim - Far Horizons 4:52 3) LoZ the Windwaker: 10:00 4) FF 7 - 13:48 5) ME - 17:50 6) Halo - 22:53 7) Sonic - 26:41 8) Chrono Trigger - 33:08 9) Luigi's Mansion - 36:02 10) KH Birth By Sleep - 40:00 11) Super Metroid - 42:58 12) Diablo3 - 48:45 13) Batman Arkham City - 52:30 14) Deus Ex-HR - 55:25 15) Fez - 59:08 16) Portal - 1:02:32 17) Little Big Planet - 1:05:40

  8. Name: A. Scinta

    Rank: Cpl.

    Type of issue: Hardware

    Brief Description of Issue: okay so I bought these JBL E40BT headphones and couldnt find my bluetooth adapter, so I plug them in with the wire it came with and they worked up to the microphone part. so I charged them found the adapter, plugged that in and still could get the sound to work but could not get the mic to work. would like this issue to be fixed because I have a horrendous mic built into my laptop and usually nobody can hear a damn thing I say unless im screaming my head off, please help me find guidance. :)

    ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line***

    Current Status: Resolved


    Pending Reply



    Main Technician: 1stLt. M. McDowell

    Supporting Technician:

  9. ]Name: The Good

    Steam I.D:steam_0:1:2314704

    Reasons for the Ban: team wounding in spawn with pistol then team wounding when he wants a sniper window when someone else is using it and gets mad when your not moving in spawn then shoots afkers when it's 13v13 I warned him several times

    Recommended duration of ban:admins discretion

    Demo Provided?: no

  10. Name:OldGlory

    Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:76884299 1:44:18 96 0 active

    Duration of Ban:admins discretion

    Reasons for the Ban:disrespecting pubbers/mic spam and unit members

    Demo Provided?:No

    Comments: asked multiple times to stop mic spamming and keep his voice down, being disrespectful to pubbers and unit members. hansen accidentally teamwounded me and then team revenged him after he was sorry he didnt see his logo and waited four seconds before he killed Pfc. Hansen and started an argument with all of the unit members and screamed at them to shutup. he is killing the positive attitude within the server right now and I asked him multiple times to stop spamming and be respectful. Witnesses are Sgt. Britton Pfc. Hansen Sgt. Musleh

  11. I just recently had to upgrade, my windows 7 wouldnt update without forcing me to upgrade to windows 10, which really irked me because I know taking a beta version of a windows OS because 1 games may or may not work on the new system unless you wipe your harddrive of old save files and update which is a pain when it's a 16 GB file. second some of your games wont even work properly. So I might just switch to linux and get the software to play non linux supported games. I cant even find where to defrag my harddrive on the new OS layout of the desktop.

  12. NPR and john showed me how fucked up people are when they have power (I know no shit but seriously) this kinda crap makes me think that people just want to be screwed over because someone shines myths about how you'll live off of prayer and not educated doctors. this has been going on since the birth of religion and probably won't stop. I know this is pretty controversial to say.

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