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Posts posted by mighty

  1. Name: princesslillyfee


    Steam I.D: unknown


    Date & Time of ban: December 9th


    Admin who banned you:  S. Larson


    Reason we should Unban:


    The following text is from lilly:

    sry i'm afraid i have a complaint about a misbehaving admin. 
    larson has been dissing me for 4 years and now banned me over nothing.
    well not nothing even, he banned me over ASKING HIM FOR HELP.

    there were some toxic players again on the server and he refused to help and i said ok i would stop my complaining but that it would be VERY appreciated if he did his job then
    and he didn't care. then my husband aka mightyinsect got mad cause we both have had enough of this abuse towards me and tons of admins just ignoring that and he called him a bitch - which was exactly the word that larson refused to police with the toxic people we complained about
    and then he left. i said i agreed with him and then also left.
    so, how does larson NOT ban 3 toxic assholes for saying that 10 times but we get an instaban??
    that rly looks like an abuse of power, especially after he has repeated this behaviour over 4 years (not the banning but not helping when asked for help and istead trying to shut me up and make me take this abuse)
    - i don't feel comfortable posting this on the forum
    at this point my trust in the league of admins is VERY limited and i don't wanna give anyone an incentive to hate more on me
    - feel free to check the ingame chat from last night, i don't think i did anything that warrants a week-long ban,

    to be honest it comes across like about 1/3 of the admins couldn't care less when women are abused on the server. i four years i got help ONCE when i asked for it. - people have threatened me with violence and rape while there were admins on the server; when i ask for help i am told to stop complaining. apart from one time, NOTHING HAPPENED TO THEM!!! they don't even get a warning or get asked to respect all players on the server - but beware i get mad after 2-3 hours of abuse, then some admin will surely come around to tell me to shut up.
    you know what that does? it gives toxic players a free pass to treat me, or any other women on the server, like they want.
    and the admins usually stand by and watch, like this was all fun to them or like at least they don't care.
    the server has, after 4 years, left me with the feeling that a good proportion of the admins hate women or at least despise them enough to let this happen on their watch. i do NOT feel protected on the server, let alone appreciated as a human being and someone who loves this game to bits.
    it is a saddening and, sometimes, maddening experience. after all, i dint chose to be a women gamer, i just happen to be one. am i less deserving of respect for that?
    people get banned for teamkills - except when they kill me.
    people get banned for telling an admin to shut up - but they never get banned or even warned when they threaten me with rape or beatings
    it is quite concerning that the admins turn a blind eye to this, it is even worse when folks like larson encourage these toxic folks by telling me to shut up when i ask for help.

    This is my (mighty) addendum:

    I pretty much agree with everything lilly wrote. It is quite sad that abusive behaviour is tolerated if not outright encouraged. I cannot count the number of times I have seen assholes get away without any repercussion because admins decide to that 'everyone should just drop it', lumping together abusers and victims of abusive behaviour. There are no rules against rape threats, insults, abuse etc.  - just to "respect the 1stMRB and BAR Members". That in itself is quite deplorable if not ill advised from a legal standpoint. But it becomes unbearable if admins effectively side with abusers and punish those seeking help.

    Yesterday I called Larson a bitch (as lilly wrote, the same thing she was complaining about being called - but that wasnt even enough to get that person kicked) and was banned for a day. I do not remember my exact phrasing but the word 'bitch' was added at the end of an otherwise unoffensive sentence. Lilly said in voice chat that she agreed with me - not specifying what part of my statement she was referring to, and that resulted in a week long ban. Banning her for a week for an ambiguous statement like that seems unjustified and completely out of proportion.

    I have to say that I am appalled by this.

  2. Hi.


    So, I am not sure if anyone really cares, but I won't be playing on your server anymore when Jankovski / Alchemist is on and will advise friends to do the same. I do not believe he is fit to act as an admin. There have been more occasions but the final straw for me was 2 months ago, when my girlfriend got teamkilled, complained, someone made a sexist (rape) joke, and instead of shutting it down, Jankovski actually laughed. Since the situation heated up, he proceeded to tell both victim and perpetrator to shut up or be kicked. This boils down to "don't complain about toxic sexism or be kicked". Now I know that this is not the kind of atmosphere you want to encourage on the server and I also understand that it is virtually impossible to prevent these comments (especially on the weekend...). But to cover for them is another thing entirely.


    I did not bother to make screenshots, iirc Magic and Coconut where on at the time as well. I am not sure if they caught that.


    Anyway, I just left and did not come back.


    A couple of weeks ago I realized Jankovski had retired and I came back to the server. Only to find out today that he just switched names to Alchemist and still retains admin privileges. Which he keeps abusing. Today, there was a situation where apparently someone was teamwounding which led to some commotion. In the end he started arguing with players who complained and proceeded to threaten to kick people if they did not shut up. Lilly actually tried to reason with him (thinking he'd be a normal player) and tried to convince him to stop the rage and 'lead by example' and maybe apply to the 1stMRB. I was about to warn him not to impersonate admins, when he changed his name back to Jankovski and proceeded to kick Lilly.

    Full disclosure: I called him an a**hole and left.


    I know this probably won't change a thing and I can't blame you. I am sure there is a lot of history between you guys and these things are a hassle. I just did not want to swallow the contempt I have developed and needed to vent. I simply won't be playing while that person can get a kick out of exerting power over others.


    I love you ppl and I love the server most of the time.


    But his behaviour, in a role of power and responsibility, I cannot accept.





  3. Name: Polarbear with chainsaws!

    Steam ID: [U:1:57051785]
    Duration of Ban: If my voice counts for anything - permaban
    Reasons for the Ban: Polarbear keeps insulting/harrassing princesslillyfee (who as of this moment seems to have quit playing on the server because of this). Polarbear has repeatedly called her names questioned her sexuality (called her cunt / tranny) and received multiple warning to stop this behavior  - as far as I know multiple times in June or July by Brown and Gearhart. [e] She just told me Brown gave Polar clear instructions to leave her alone /not talk to or about her at all.

    Today, he apparently decided to take a shot again. There is a smiley at the end of the comment, but in context, this is just a thinly veiled attempt to antagonize and humiliate her. In response lilly made 2 harmless comments on his expense (though not insulting at all ) If i recall correctly it was something like "so you went to the army for 6 months and learned to tie your shoes and fold your shirts". She also complained to admins currently on the server about this behavior. GySgt. S. Larson told her to let it go in the middle of this. Then proceeded to kick both of em to restore peace on the server. Fact is though that Polarbear has shown this behavior before. He knows it affects her. He has been warned. And he keeps going back to it because he seems to fell he is getting away with it.

    Demo Provided: screenshot

    Polarbear with Chainsaws 2nd October 2016.jpg

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