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Everything posted by Vivid

  1. Silus got hot overnight. It was weird. And I know you guys all want to punch Celia in the throat. Snoop is so high
  2. I like your usage of the yellow font.
  3. Warren's just jealous, Zahl. I'd love to see some bromance. Yum.
  4. /wrist I don't want to drink Captain in a bag anyways. /sniffle
  5. Parker hates BAR. Phan, I woulda added you to my list, but you're underage so we can't go out to drink. But, I'll buy us a gallon of vodka, and we can party.
  6. But the brakes would emit (yes, another fart joke) a bad smell, and since it's higher up in the air, it's closer to your nose. I wish Coke Zero actually tasted like real Coke.
  7. but you'd accidentally press it during the best moment of your life. I wish time machines existed.
  8. But then they'd be blowing as hard as you blow your clients. I wish Kirk was better at Starcraft. (jk, so relax.)
  9. Then you'd have a street rat trying to take you on a MAGIKARP-et ride to try and show you the world, shining shimmering splendid. I wish I had a real Pikachu.
  10. Asshole. The world is flat, and all the water will drop off the face of the planet so my cats don't drown. I wish you had syphilis.
  11. Except you see a gay figure skater drink it. Oila! I wish cats had a snooze button.
  12. But it'd just be a virtual session like in the Matrix and you really have nothing. I wish the L5-S1 wasn't so damn delicate.
  13. He dispenses money for meeeee. I wish I could cure cancer.
  14. You're a tripod, and that's exactly how Zahl likes it. I wish schnozberries tasted like schnozberries.
  15. Vivid


    Told ya so, Mams. <3333
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