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GMoney BAR

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Everything posted by GMoney BAR

  1. Exactly gooderham. It drives me nuts too. I can't stand it and frankly I'm getting tired of it. I'm close to dropping it like baseball.
  2. Yeah I'm going to try and be there for that but who knows what is going to happen. Hopefully I can make it home in time.
  3. yeah I recognize the guys. They have some sort of TV show for kids on PBS or something like that.
  4. are you kidding me? Go back and look at film from the 1970's teams. They'll differ big time with that argument. Just look at all the stupid little rules that the comish is putting in these days. It's ridiculous. They are faster though.
  5. Goodwin I don't even want to talk about the risk factors involved. There are jobs out there are far more dangerous everyday than what professional athlete's have and yet they are paid a reasonable amount and not a minimum of 400k a year. Yes you're right that they have skills that a lot of people don't have. Does that constitute them being grossly overpaid? The skills they have are for entertainment. It's not a skill like neuro science or cardiovascular sciences. Every day people pay tons of money on tickets and merchandise for this entertainment and these guys want more and more money. It's out of line anymore. God forbid any of them have a career ending injury but like you said if they have education to back them up then they can still work after that. There is no reason why any one athlete should be making 100+ million dollars in 6,7,8 years of work and then still wanting more money. The NFL has its own health coverage too for each team so the players don't even have to pay for their own healthcare. I'm sure there are 401k's set up too for them. But boy, they still need more money on top of that. It's bullshit on nearly every level. I don't really care if they want to strike next year. If they want to leave work for that year then fine fuck em' find someone who is willing to take smaller end pay, or even comparable pay to what they have now, and let them play. Entertainment is entertainment on any level. Don't try and say that professional football entertainment is best either. College football offers better entertainment than professional football. Why? Because they play with heart and soul into the game. Most professional athlete's you can just tell it's another day at the office for them. I don't watch baseball because of the amount of bullshit they get paid among other reasons. Football is about to be the same for me. I'm not going to support something where there are millions of people that struggle day in and day out busting their balls trying to earn a living to provide for their families and then these football players are making millions upon millions and they want more just so they can keep up their high end ritzy extravagant lifestyle? Fuck them those greedy pieces of shit.
  6. yeah I know it's the slope chute but I'm just wondering the relevance. It's like being brought into the end of a movie and now we're all like ummmm plot, beginning, middle, climax, end? Yes you perverts I know I said climax.
  7. Cowgirls will blow it again until they realize that Tony Homo is way overrated
  8. The Packers will collapse like every other year. They'll choke and then wont be able to rebound from it.
  9. What's with all the stupid spamming lately? It's annoying really.
  10. hahahha I'm with Zahl. Vikings and Ravens though.
  11. ok the packers aren't going to make it to the bowl. So all you Wisconsin homo's stop spamming the packers. My guess is Baltimore and Minnesota
  12. Once I saw the title of the movie I just closed it. lol
  13. that's engle's theme song when he goes rolling through town windows down blasting it.
  14. He's running from customs after being in a cargo container all through the pacific ocean. hahaha
  15. ok that was just weird man. I hope I don't piss my bed tonight over nightmares from that.
  16. ok first things first if you're going to start a topic about peoples opinion you need to make an opinion yourself. You can't just sit back and watch the cats and dogs argue. Now my opinion of Glenn Beck... well I don't know 100% what to think of him. He definitely is not a typical puppet of FOX news seeing as how he is an independent opinionated show host. Most people think that his show is about news when in fact his show is about certain political activities at the time. He takes these political activities taking place and then actually understands how things work with our republic of a government and throws his idea's out there on what he feels what will happen and why it will happen. He has been right about many things so far with the Obama Administration and his agenda that he pushes. However, he does get a little too emotional sometimes and loses professional control of himself. Glenn Beck also understands who and why the original founders of this nation were and why they left Great Britain to start their own new nation. I doubt that 10 people here on the forums actually know the real reason why the American nation was founded. For those who feel that Glenn Beck is just an anti Obama anti liberal person, watch this video. He's more independent than anything else.
  17. yeah it doesn't look to appealing to me at all. lol I'm a puss like that though. hahaha
  18. hahahaha dude I destroy KV-3's so easily in my Tiger II. You must have been playing against a bunch of Pnzr3 or something. lol
  19. yeah I don't see the image so I quit yeah I don't see the image so I quit
  20. How the Hell does San Diego lose to the Chiefs? Just pathetic.
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