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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. is it too late for me to get in on this?
  2. ROFL that was great. Fool thought he was all bad ass when he got outta the truck then he thought about it lol
  3. Lol at the eminem references seeming as to how he is supposedly going to be on the psychopathic record label soon. not many Juggalo's are particularly enthused about the prospect but i personally am stoke because it means that the idiotic beef between the two is completely gone. and i appreciate the toned down of the Juggalo bashing, i know not all of you understand or agree with our choice in music or how we show our devotion to the message behind the six jokers cards, Not the group thats a misconception a lot of people have including people who say they are juggalo's. listen to the song "Down With the Clown" it's all about how they are laughing at the people who idolize them and worship the ground the walk on because that is not what a Juggalo truly is. Much Wicked Clown Love Whoop Whoop
  4. rofl sorry about that jasko, i am kinda runnin without sleep at the moment, my bad that was epic fail o and a better version of Piggy Pie no real video but the lyrics are what they were original before universal made them change it.
  5. I will be a Juggalo till the day I die but this song has some serious issues. Do not ask me what the fuck is wrong with them cuz idk. I am not one of the people who idolize the ground they walk on or any of that shit. That is a hound dogs job not mine. so yes in this instance i am inclined to agree with you Janke, they fail epicily with this retardo song and for the most part their entire last album btw this song came out a few months ago and it sucked then too lol
  6. Name: Pvt. Icefrog [69th ID] Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:2676878 10:13 116 0 Reasons for the Ban:Team Killing left the server when he got around -30 Recomended duration of ban: Officers Descrecion Demo Provided?: N
  7. its an actual steam error and it just says accross the top of the error box in game that it failed to connect to the VAC servers
  8. its just the way designers made it. of course most people want to know were they got killed from but then again if they took out that feature it would frustrate more people than it made happy and thus limit the marketability of the game, hence why publishers are the devil of the gameing industry. don't trust activision they dont actually make it lol
  9. lol that shit is hillarious.
  10. So ya it usually only happens on my grampa's computer to my account and sometimes at school. some days it will be better than others, but some days like today itll be happening at regular intervals of about a minute and a half in server before it boots me. any one who knows a way i can fix this please let me know
  11. whichever one is bobbin on my knob is hotter at that point in time ford.
  12. lol gotcha. well now i'm going to get my BS in Game Art and Design so I'll go into the corps maybe as an officer, havent decided yet
  13. i dont think anyone said that it was bad or a conspiricy that the canadians have public health care. just un-american, and i know life is the first one hence why my argument is that should the government not help to provide for our right to be healthy, but the current bill only helps keep you from dying not to be healthy.
  14. Well then, i didn't know that this public health care deal was going to basically have me still fucked over, so fuck it, thanks money lol. iv been reading up on it anyhow and ya its not as good as the obama administration want it to appear. and sadly enough it seems that most of america, left wingers as well as right have forgotten the keystone of our nation: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Thomas Jefferson, July of 1776. I am not saying that a revolution is necessary just that people need to remember that over all we have control over who it is in our government and that we still have the right to petition even the Congress or Supreme Court for the removal of certain people within the government or even for a full re-election excluding all current office holders in the federal government. as money said it would take an awful amount of work to gather the necessary signatures but if enough people got of their apathetic asses maybe it would happen. o an of course there is still the possibility that the government is far enough gone that all involved would be thrown into prison for treason, however i personally hope that the morals that our beautiful country was built upon haven't been so far eroded that something like that would happen.
  15. Gooderham that was well spoken but scares me as an american to be honest lol. K. Swartz 1st MRB Posted Today, 10:02 PM Marsden, If you understood the constitution, and the way it is meant to be. You would know that the States are suppose to have more power than the Federal Gov. The Federal Gov, is only meant to protect our freedom, not rule our lives. Not what can me country do for me, But what can I do for MY COUNTRY!! as far as that goes i understand that, but would government health care not protect our right to proper medical aid? I am not asking what the United States of America can do for me, because honestly I want nothing from her than the rights that are guaranteed me in the constitution, and my point about the medical marijuana thing was that the federal government has already overstepped its bounds, and has for some time by superseding state laws in Regan's "war on drugs" I do not support drug abuse, but i think that if a state has a law saying that heroin is legal there, well fuck i guess heroin is legal there u know? I attempted to offer up my life for my country and was stereotyped and then promptly led about by the nose until i "gave up." All I honestly want to do in my life is serve a career in the United States Marine Corps, I am not talking about a tour of Duty but 30 years of service until my mandatory retirement happens, and then if i get recalled well then i would be stoked you know why? because i love MY COUNTRY above my own life or what my family or significant other may end up thinking of me, it may sound callous but that's how i am, i dont even know where it came from, my mothers a liberal lol. Sorry if that came off as kinda flameish. so basically it really comes down to with all the arguments about the health care bill as to the original issue our country had, how much power do the feds get. personally i see it as a protection of my right to be healthy but i can also see where it could feel like an encroachment on the part of the Federal Government.
  16. lol swartz thats valid toward me personally, due to the fact that i don't have a job and have never had an income to speak of so no i haven't paid taxes, because i don't have any that apply to my wopping $200-300 income from 2009. however will admit that there are a shit load of people who don't pay there taxes and it just fucks us all over in the end anyhow, i dont see the point of it. as far as our government wanting more control, i personally don't know how that could work when my mother, with her Medical Marijuana card can still be arrested by federal officers while protected by state law. I mean all that it would do is help regulate whether or not people are having treatments done that have been tested and proven to be safer, o and maybe, just maybe, have people be more interested in finding less expensive ways of treating things seeming as to how the medical board and congress aren't getting their pockets lined by charging up the ass for medical. my mom's a phlebotomist and doctors offices charge usually over a hundred dollars for her to walk in and stick you in your arm, take the blood back into their own lab and run it through their machine to test it, and then charge you exponentially more if they have to send it out. so im pretty sure that is a bit of a rip off when my mom only make 13$ an hour (if she stays there for another year she'll get a raise to 19-20). i get side tracked easy lol if you could explain why you feel that way i'd appreciate it so that way i can stop sounding as ignorant as i think i do right now.
  17. Well personally I would like Government Health care, and I was already Denied for the current version of it because and I quote. "You are a full time student in college making less than 500 dollars a week". Well to be perfectly honest if i was making 2000 a month i wouldn't fucking be applying for Welfare/Medicare. However, the timing of this Social Health care is not a good idea in my opinion. The one legit aspect that the Conservatives could throw out there, they don't. The fact that our government is TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN DEBT means that if the private sector can't afford to provide health care for itself how the FUCK is the government supposed to do it? Despite the recession we are in, the owners and higher level execs of the world wide corporations and the like have been making record profits in the last 4 years while the lower-upper class and the middle and the lower steadily die off. It just happens that the lower-upper class started to notice that they were getting the shaft and tried to sell there stocks so that they could keep some of there profits (although by my standards they don't need any fucking profits). The only problem is that the higher execs weren't gonna buy because they knew/planned the downhill trend to instill panic to help people become more dependent on them, and the middle class won't usually buy stocks because most of them don't trust the stock market, and the of course the lower class can't afford to buy stocks and most of us are conspiracy theorists in some form or another. If the government were to try and get this bill passed in a few years once the economy has re-stabilized itself again (if it does) then I would fully support it fully and without a moments hesitation due to the fact that my family has never been able to afford non-government health care and so i know how bad it sucks when you don't have medical insurance because every so often Medicare decides to "review your case" and that just means that they don't feel like paying for 3-4 months. This bill in a better economic climate would be a wonderful idea, and of course the fucking private sector is going to bitch about it and say that it's the first step towards communism. I personally have 3 words for them: "The Velvet Revolution." well thank you for reading my naive 19 year old opinion on the current political and economic climate as it relates to the health care bill.
  18. The picture at the bottom of the page features a character model one of my friends at school designed lol, yes i will be the designer that puts u in that box. i personally enjoy mmo's, and yet i despise WoW not because it's addictive, but because the concept of RPG Warcraft deeply offended me. now if that isn't nerd rage idk what is. I am currently closed beta'ing for an MMO call Karos Online, it fits all of these criterea listed in the article, therefore i guess i should let them know that they have made a potentially successful MMO lol
  19. if u get a new compy i can live with a glitchy comp, i bet itll still be better than my ancient computer, its from just after the release of XP lol, u know when ppl still hated it lol. but i personally agree with Greco, Wireless just doesnt ever seem to work out for gaming, anytime i have tried it it hasn't gone well and that was on my grampa's Lockheed computers that he used to moniter satallites on and shit (that's all that i know for sure that he did, the rest was just not talked about) so i know that the lag wasn't coming from them. for laptops wireless is great but i dont think its a good idea for gaming.
  20. I know the Chair Force will treat me good in their 4-star field accommodations, but that's not what im looking for lol. I'm not necessarily belittling the support that they lend our ground forces, it just doesn't really appeal to me to be a mechanic or to have to stay in school for another 4-7 years so i can fly u know? besides My Ass Rides In Nave Equipment Sir. And McKenzie i wish i knew that back in December when i got the third or fourth bullshit request through my recruiter from MEPS. And on top of that im no longer in the same MEPS district, i would have to go through the Frisco office this time, but thanks for the suggestion. would that still work for me anyhow?
  21. lol McKenzie I was supposed to have been there at the beggining of this year, scored a 92 on the ASVAB and passed all the fuckin checks at meps, but the CO in Seattle didn't like the look of my long haired with piercing scar on my eyebrow ass and told them to red flag my file and asked for all kinds of bull shit paper work i didnt have, so now i'm going to try for the reserves and then once i graduate and get my BA i'll go regular and so ya. if you have any strings please pull them lol
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