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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. We tried to find it but no luck yet, worst case scenario I found out that I can get a USB recovery drive from Asus for 50USD
  2. Name: Kelly Marsden Rank: Non-Applicable (Spouse of Captain Marsden) Type of issue: (Hardware Failure and attempted OS Re-Installation) Brief Description of Issue: Last week whilst browsing the web and utilizing Microsoft Excel my Wifes Asus Laptop Crashed and Bluescreened with a Disk Error. Unfourtunately at the time her younger brother was on the machine so there were no error-codes collected at any time during the crash or it's subsequently failing boots. Through troubleshooting on my own and with McDowell we have basically been able to confirm that the C: Drive is no longer even being detected by the MOBO and are going to be getting that reviewed to see if it can be salvaged or not. My question at this time is if anyone knows of a means that we could get our Windows 10 Key off the drive so as to avoid paying an extra 100USD to get the OS re-installed after the drive died... Any tips or tricks would be appreciated. I should have an answer as to if the HDD is completely fried or not within the day. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  3. Server issue appears to be resolved at this time. Thank you all for your patience in allowing us to fixed the issue
  4. They may be the chairforce, but I dont know of any grunt that would turn their nose at ghostie firing runs. Keep those birds in the air yerrrr
  5. We are trying to figure it out, for whatever reason the server isn't reading the config file reliably so it hasn't been referencing the map rotation properly.
  6. @Burke 6th RB Just posting the breakdown of our standard rules. I know you are familiar with them but I like to have it for references sake.
  7. Was thinking Donner Extended would be a good map for 12, been a long while since I've seen it played in a match as well.
  8. Thank you to everyone who has donated this month!
  9. Thank you so much for the donations there Stoley! We greatly appreciate it XD
  10. Greetings and Salutations to our Marines and the Civilians who help keep us great! While we still have the ability and will to keep up the fight with you on the servers; we are a donation driven community and no donation is too small to help out! If you follow the Donation link on the forums homepage, or in the Server MOTD, you will be given the option to make a single donation or set up a recurring donation through PayPal for a set amount. Beyond keeping the servers going, your donations will allow us to do things like giveaways (we have been unable to run one in about a year and a half due to a lack of available funds) and competitions with games or accessories as prizes for the winner or winning team! As time drives inexorably forward we look to the future and expanding our presence as a Realism Unit in the wake of the sad fact that the Day of Defeat Player Base has dwindled enough to make indefinite survival in this Theater of War implausible. The good news is that in our longevity in the tough fighting throughout our time in Day of Defeat: Source, final victory is within our grasp. Ultimately the goal at this stage should be to get and keep our server within the top 5 (number one preferably of course :P), so that when it comes that one can mostly not find a populated server, ours is still there and still strong! As far as the competitive scene, we have already definitely secured a claim to being one of the Best Realism Units in the game; however (no offense meant to the Sixth Rangers, or the Third Panzer-Grenadiers) being one of the best simply is not good enough! We will continue to fight and win against our foes until they are no more and no one can question that we are the best damned Realism Unit the Game ever saw! Remember, Uncle Sam needs you to donate today! We do not need a large grand gesture style donation from each of our Raiders or our core of loyal Pubbers (not that we would complain lol), but if we could get 6 $10(USD) donations each month the servers would be half paid for and the about $120(USD) the Officer Corps normally dedicate to the upkeep of the servers would become more available to run the aforementioned giveaways and fund competition prizes for the community at large!
  11. This is the second time this user has had to be banned for generalized disrespect. We will see if they can play in a manner in accordance with the games M rating come Spring. User banned One month.
  12. Thank you for posting the unban on his behalf. The command staff will review this request and provide an answer by January 19th, 2019.
  13. Yerrr thank you for all your epic editing Skillz Candy! Thanks for all the articles War Correspondents! Let's keep it going yerrr!
  14. Name: M/Sgt. Sims [34th ID] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:17483042 Duration of Ban: 1 Week Reasons for the Ban: Disrespect of fellow players on the server. Demo Provided?: Y Evidence gathered via gameme Comments: Banned user for blatant and generalized disrespect of entire Player Base. Word of the Unit is Respect and just because an Admin is not currently in server does not mean you may belittle others with impunity.
  15. The ban was applied for you telling Larson that he had no idea how to do his job, and when advised not to tell the admins how to admin, you persisted. The reason it warrants a week long ban for Lily is the fact that this is the second instance of her being banned from the server for choosing to argue and attack the admins in the last two weeks. Additionally attacking those admins who have come in time and again over the last four years to ban your harassers, does not help to foster a desire for showing leniency. I personally recommend using the Source Engines built in Client mute capabilities (Esc. "Mute Players" in game). Sadly as an admin I don't have the ability to use the client mute as I have to try and monitor the comms. I want to remind you that Online interactions are not rated by the ESRB or PEGI. You may encounter offensive content whilst playing in an online session. We do try and ensure that people respect one another, however policing VoIP will never be something can be completed in full. When evidence of such statements are found in chat logs, we act on it, I even go through retroactively and pick user chat logs to audit at random on my lunches at work. You may not always see these bans in game as if the user in question is not connected at the time the ban is processed, nothing pops up. Your continued combative nature, and dismissive attitude toward the efforts of our admins is what resulted in a ban.
  16. Fuck yes I'm finally able to have a post in here that to a newb would be haccusation worthy!!!!!! One of my lives on this run I hit every allied player at least once on of the teams respawn waves as I counted my "Damage Dealt" lines and there were 35 of them and no FF in the list. Dominated almost half the enemy team at the peak of my rampage, and maintained over a 3.5 KDR yerrr. Ended with score of 77:21 I know is with MG and most will bash on that, but for me this is truly memorable and impressive as I'm bad at this game.
  17. Also please keep in mind that "excessive swearing" doesn't constitute an "Inappropriate Language" permanent ban. What constitutes that is any form of racially/gender based/sexuality based/mental capacity remarks and slurs. Our primary rule is respect. Use of slurs, colloquial or otherwise, will result in a permanent ban from the server. You can bitch and complain about that motherfucker with the MG all day everyday; but the second you cross the line into slurs based off ones source DNA, sexual orientation, or mental illness/handicap is the second ANYONE stops playing on our servers.
  18. Banned for five days due to first offense.
  19. Great to here from you Turner! I'm glad things sound to be going so good for you IRL
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