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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Posts posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. ya i guess, the galactic empire never really had a cohesive threat posed to it untill the end of Empire when the rebellion trully started making tactical victories and all, as aposed to the centuries of conflict that the Old Republic had faced against an organized sith foe

  2. Well if they had made the last three movies you would see that the good guys don't exactly win. Luke falls like his father before him, but is saved by his niece and nephew, but before he is saved he has revived the sith and their teachings thus reviving the old stalemate of the Sith Empire Vs. Jedi Order. The New Republic is constantly harried by the remnants of the Galactic Empires fleet which Skywalker eventually brings back together into a cohesive whole and forms the new Sith Empire. The end of the Star Wars Saga is a restoration of balance, not good triumphing over evil, or vice versa.

  3. I can't wait for this one to come out. And how can you put RotS in the same category as Empire? Yes the prequals were great movies and all, but they were also FUBAR because the Old Republics technolodgy appeared to be beyond that of the Galactic Empire's war machine, which everyone knows should be the other way around after close to 20 years of military expansion.

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