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Everything posted by Faraj

  1. It's astonishing to see the things people would do to their fellow human brethren when it's convenient for them just to keep their power, It's vile and evil and absolutely dehumanizing . And as sad as Stalin's Russia was, it's nothing compared to what's going on in North Korea and has been for the better part of the last 70 years, the whole damn country is an open-air concertation camp. It's truly disturbing and dehumanizing to read about it and to know that the free world isn't doing anything to stop it. I'll leave you with these videos from the late Christopher Hitchens talking about his visit to North Korea
  2. I'm not a expert but there's a few thing you can do that might help out 1. Open task manager then go to "Start Up" tab and disable all apps that you do not want running in the background. 2. hit windows logo key+R and type MSCONFIG and scroll until you find Sysmain, then disable it ... what this service does it that; pre-load programs for you when you start the pc up and most of the time it ends up slowing you pc up with time. 3. clear temp and %temp% files and you can do that through hitting windows logo key + R type temp then Ctrl+A delete all, repeat the same thing but for %temp% folder 4. if you have an Hard drive consider defragment, if you have an ssd don't do this step because it'll effect it negatively. 5. Not enough space, check your main desk see if it's full or not. If it's full it might cause some of the problems you mentioned. 6. your device might be infected, open task manager and see if you can spot out of place programs that are highly intensive on ram or cpu or disk, if that's the case try shutting it down and see if there's any difference. In case that's it, you'll have to purge it. 7. check if you have windows updates installing in the background, sometimes that can cause lagging and slow performance. These are some of the step I go through when my device gets slow. I hope some of these steps help you.
  3. Hi McGarr, nice to see you here pal! Adding on what Sgt. Vides said If I may, you can check anything MOS-related through this thread. (Although from what I know MOS's are on hold until we're into the new year.) https://www.1stmarineraiders.com/forums/forum/36-mos-training/ Upcoming realisms https://www.1stmarineraiders.com/forums/forum/35-war-office/ And you can use unread content button to see any new announcements that you haven't seen.
  4. Why does all of this seem familiar in context hmmm, Didn't a guy with a silly mustache go on that road eighty years ago?
  5. Happy birthday day to the little guy!
  6. Isn't different time zones enough to prove the earth is round ? When most of you lads are on the pub and playing together if you're from the u.s. and the the clock had ticked to 3pm to me in Jordan where I live it'd be 10pm...In flat earth that wouldn't be possible. because the whole surface would be all exposed at once or not at all -If it was big enough then yes it would vary a little bit if you was on the far sides of the plant, but still wouldn't give you a night and day difference -
  7. Tator x3: 6 points (Complete) | Dec 14th & 15 & 17 (Each photo is from a different date I wrote this down from the Image details) Cpl. H. Nielsen x1 : 3 points | Dec 17th TSgt. R. Martinez x1 : 6 points | Dec 18th ----- After tally, including previous dominations ---- Total: 23
  8. Yesterday I noticed a weird lagging out of no where in DoDS while I was playing. So today I decided to re-install it just like every time this happens but nothing changed And the problem also extends to steam when I open DoDS page on steam omg the lag is unbelievable I checked the task manager nothing extensive in the background other than steam it's taking on it's own about 1Gb of ram with no games open(usually it takes about 300MB), I tried clearing cache and still the problem persists... Has this happened to anyone here ? Any help is appreciated Thanks in Advance
  9. Cool stuff, these look like random arabic alphabets
  10. Faraj


    Dave Brubeck - Take Five, Is one of my favorites. I must've exhausted the replay button on this one
  11. From an Earlier match today Cpl. H. Nielsen x1 : 3 points Pfc. L. Kevinsen x1 : 2 points
  12. **Updated** 23-Nov-2021 Here are some of my Favourite & Overall-Good Movies\Shows Recommendations, Please feel free to share yours ! Shows : Better Call Saul Dark True Detective Breaking Bad Mad Men West World YellowStone Simpsons Suits Succession House of Cards The Americans Movies: The Shining Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb 2001: A Space Odyssey Inglourious Basterds The Good, The Bad and The Ugly ( All of the Trilogy ) The Big Lebowski Glengarry Glen Ross O Brother, Where Art Thou The Death of Stalin The GodFather (All of the Trilogy) Chinatown Jeremiah Johnson Dune (2021) Tombstone Inglourious Bastards (2009) Roman Holiday (1953) I Origins No Country For Old Men (2007) The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (The David Fincher movie not the swedish version) Rear Window (1954) Angel Heart (1987) The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976) Drive Project Almanac The babadook (I fucking hate this movie, but I love it also.. don't ask me how that works hhh) Pulp Fiction Reservoir Dogs Barfly Lawless Seven psychopaths Detachment (2011) One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Insomnia The Devil's Advocate Darkest Hour Bridge of Spies The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy ( AMAZING MOVIE ) Hitman Bodyguard
  13. I loved Reservoir Dogs it's a great movie as Tombstone too, Many Saints of Newark seems like a great pick that'll be definitely on my watch list, Thank you!
  14. Thanks for the clarification Captain, My point I wanted to get across that even If you get the Vax. you can still get the virus and potentially infect other people and that is a scientific fact. So infringing people rights to get the Vax. depict what they want is meaningless ....
  15. Would you care to elaborate? what's the point you want to get across ?
  16. The Vax. doesn't even stop you from getting infected by covid and they don't even try to hide that ... it only offers some limited immunity so when you get infected you don't get hospitalized, instead your body deals with it as if it was a flu. Anyhow personally I'm vaccinated and my whole family is. A couple of months earlier my brother got infected although he had taken the full set -both of the doses -and he had to take leave from work for two weeks until he recoverd Long story short, I don't see why the Gov. should infringe the people right to do whatever they want to their bodies to get a Vax. that doesn't even STOP THE INFECTION RATE. Best regards,
  17. Hello Folks, I'm trying to install some skins using the steps above GSgt. Flores and Modboy keeps giving me this error do anybody knows how to install them in another way ?
  18. Those definitely will be added on my Watch-List, But I wanted to ask.. How can I edit the original post so I can update the contents? I only edited it once and can't seem to edit it again.
  19. Here are some of my Favourite & Overall-Good Movies\Shows Recommendations, Please feel free to share yours ! Shows : Better Call Saul Dark True Detective Breaking Bad Mad Men West World YellowStone Simpsons Movies: The Shining Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb 2001: A Space Odyssey Inglourious Basterds The Good, The Bad and The Ugly ( All of the Trilogy ) The Big Lebowski Glengarry Glen Ross O Brother, Where Art Thou The Death of Stalin P.S. I'll be updating and adding on this list over-time.
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