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Smithers 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Smithers 1st MRB

  1. One of my favorite movies of all time
  2. Hard to believe that game is still up and running.
  3. A Knight's Tale is one of the most underrated movies of all time IMO! Would have been way better if they left out the Modern day music & dance. Even still, I agree with you.
  4. Too bad. I liked his films and I don't think i can enjoy watching a new Joker. He did so well.
  5. That's a game you build a new computer for.
  6. I was skeptical about spending the $20 but it's well worth it!
  7. St Louis is machine gun Kelly! Loved that. I play in My Wyoming Battleship. I have the Langley but i don't care for it much. Hill, Its not hard to get started. Start by doing Team vs Computer battles and when you get some tactics down and understand the ship mechanics you should be unlocking Team vs Team battles.
  8. Anyone pick this up? Pretty fun. If so, let me know. We will get a fleet going.
  9. Time well spent. I've played quite a few of those.
  10. If i remember correctly, Parkers internet speed shits on the entire world.
  11. I'm just waiting to see how crazy they let Harley Quinn be.
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