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evo-lution ßÄЯ

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Everything posted by evo-lution ßÄЯ

  1. The U.S. shoots em and the Canadians say sorry? Kidding kidding i know they fight just as hard as us
  2. That LOOKS AMAZING!!!!! Morgan Freeman is the man!
  3. Friend bought me an iced caramel latte because it was hot out. there is milk in it and im alctose intolerant >.<
  4. And another game for the PS4 this one looks amazingly interesting breaking from any other game i have seen before
  5. The Division is probably going to be the sole reason i will be getting a PS4 for starters unless it hits the PC. McDowell you have my rifle . as for some of the other Games E3 has revealed Titanfall and Destiny are looking good as is Battlefield 4!
  6. AAAnd i just screamed like a little school girl hell yeah!
  7. I agree with going towards the race that has always mastered. If it came down to a console system to use as back up and for some exclusives i would go with the PS4. sadly some of the games that caught my eye are Xbox Won exclusive.
  8. and you need xbox live to play on the xbox won so its the same thing
  9. Honestly im not the biggest MLB fan... or really one at all but that is the most rational thing to do in my very humble opinion. you get caught you are done just like any other job you use illegal substances you get fired not suspended.
  10. um holy cow they are definitely a choreographed group of people
  11. Best of luck to you man and may you have a speedy recovery.
  12. not sure what mild racist taunting will do but cool idea Its not racist, its a man having fun on a dance. while eating fried chicken might as well have the kool-aid man run through, lol OH YEAH
  13. i dont trust IGN on anything they are some of the most biased reviewers in my extremely humble opinion. As to the heating issue its a laptop im sorry but every single one i've ever used for gaming whether it was designed for gaming or not runs extremely hot, my old Asus used to keep my fathers coffee hot... no lie. So oh boy you start to sweat thats what tables are for. would i get it... hell no i could build two towers for that price but if Richards ever wins the lottery and gives me some sure I'd run it as my out of the house/vacationing machine.
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