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evo-lution ßÄЯ

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Everything posted by evo-lution ßÄЯ

  1. from what i have read it gives you 50 hours to start then you can buy more hours or go by a monthly fee something like ten bucks a month or 7 bucks for 20 hours. they also say there is discount for buying like 90 or 180 hours although it never states what they are. i really want the game myself but i am wondering if my pc can run it and if its worth getting... here is the page for the game at the bottom is the extra time information APB
  2. Thanks Wells had a friend make it for me, its Bleach if your wondering what that is well go look it up
  3. GUESS IM GONNA FIND SOME PORN ONLINE!!! wow i am sending that to some friends
  4. if you learn to walk a trigger your all good. my ION is able to do 18+ balls a second. if i got rebound uploaded, ill double the speed lol. i play speedball but mostly i play woods or tire. yeah its all tractor tires its funny. honestly i would love play on a huge scenario though
  5. Smart Parts ion 14 inch barrel i need a hopper and O2 tank cause CO2 is inconsistent and a reg hopper is too sloooooooooooww
  6. wow .... can you say steriods plus cocaine..... that guy is meesed up...
  7. Here is mine. gotta love what alot of time will find you
  8. Thats why the last airbender's name was changed it originally was Avatar the last airbender then the blue bastards came and made em change it lol
  9. um..... so what ever he is on i want some of that
  11. i really want to see this movie so like any nerd i went and watched the whole show books 1-3 just so i knew what was going on. so now i am kinda excited to see how well they matched the movie to the snow
  12. good to know i have some bloopers some where i will have to find as well
  13. so you just gotta love this commercial Balloons
  14. Batman begins and The Dark Knight are also good ones too. i have to say i listened to them one day when i was bored good shit
  15. can i put some of my million into that?
  16. i wanna choose D god was pissed they built a highly flammable version of him in an area that has extreme weather....
  17. im still a mystery too haha suckas
  18. how do girls make that kind of face? the other question is good too cause that kid is a loser with too much time on his hands
  19. facial problems how does this happen? any ideas?
  20. I should be getting it by the end of the week!! gamertag.... havent made it yet ive been using my brothers but ill be sure to let you guys know when i do. I BELIEVE I CAN FLY!!!!!!!
  21. Han zimmer but i really like his work on the New batman movies
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