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evo-lution ßÄЯ

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Posts posted by evo-lution ßÄЯ

  1. Aw man, I have always really loved space games. I never got into Eve but I liked watching the political and economic mechanics of the gameplay and really enjoyed Sins of a Solar Empire and the Star Wars KOTOR and Sith Lords. I have no idea whether or not I'll get this since I doubt my PC will handle it atm, but it looks and sounds really cool.

    If I were to play this I'd love to have one of the larger exploratory ships or trade ships and get a bunch of friends together and set out to explore the galaxy or enter a private business together. Or even just getting together in a private squadron of ships and working together as a company, I think that'd be pretty awesome with this.

    Count me in for that!

  2. The same game over and over. Just different name and story.

    +1 totally agree the single player is the only thing and well i haven't purchased a new CoD since MW2... Kevin Spacey, amazing actor, but the complete greed to make another developer rush out CoD games i will pass. it feels like Elysium meets BF 2142.



  3. The problem is that every member of the cast are all easily bought. Harrison Ford has consistently said that he would do anything if you paid him enough. Carrie Fischer is a recovering crackhead who I'm sure would love to use a big pay day to kick off a bender. And Mark Hammil is basically out of work since he isn't voicing the Joker anymore. The only one that may save this latest installment of how to milk a franchise is JJ Abrams, and forgive me if that doesn't exactly fill me with confidence.



  4. Has anyone ever dreamed something that then you see in real life but you swear you never saw it before that dream?

    Last night Zahl and Kirkendall were in my dream. We were hunting vampires and somehow I learned how to drive stick shift (in the dream). As a joke my co-worker asked me to drive his car to lunch (it's manual). I DID IT!!! Don't ask me anymore details, I'm not sharing with you all how Zahl's chest glistened with moist...er *cough...anyway...


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