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Total Computer Revamp!


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I am currently in the process of making my computer 500% faster using a few programs that are tricks

to clearing hard drives of epic clutter and slow performances. So far ive been enabled to raise the

graphics on my DoD gaming, I started using Google Chrome internet at faster rates, AND have been able

to clear a good 2.5 GB of space on my computer!!! :D

OOORAH!!! (can you tell im a nerd?)

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Hehe nice man. I just want to get a brand new lap top... an Alienware M18x... All the power I need to game, in a small, portable version. (This of course is the best thing for college).

If I may...

Alienware used to be good quality. Now I believe they're owned by Dell?

They used to be pricey because they came with 100% top of the line shit that was high end. Now? Well, they're overpriced (by about 100%) and their quality is standard at best.

I wanted an Alienware years ago, but anymore? They're run of the mill and not worth even half of what they cost.

Think/research/choose wisely - but anymore they're just a 'name', that is otherwise just some standard computer you could buy anywhere. Sad because they used to be really cool.

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Think/research/choose wisely - but anymore they're just a 'name', that is otherwise just some standard computer you could buy anywhere. Sad because they used to be really cool.

I think this is very true. Idk how many times I have seen people run around like chickens

with their heads cut off, complaining that they paid so much for so little. I should know

from experience. Alienware WAS great, but back then the pricing was something that was

overlooked. Now with new software and new components out, Alienware is what Goodwin

says to me: A name Of course this is just my Opinion :)

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If you are going to go with a laptop, there are some great i5's out there with quick switching graphics. Meaning, it will switch from Intels HD3000 (which is actually pretty good) with an Nvidia gpu. Best part is that they run ~$600. 90% of college students have laptops, and they actually make sense with how small dorms are.

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