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Fraps Issues

Ford 1st MRB


So I installed the full version of Fraps, recorded quite a bit of video, I see the files, but when I press play it shows me the first frame and then doesn't advance frames at all. I can hear everything that's happening past the first frame, but the video never moves past the first frame. I loaded the videos in Premier Pro CS5 as well as Sony Vegas, same thing. The first frame then nothing.

Any ideas?

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You probably need to dowload or update your codec

Becaue one time I send my friend quicktime video of edit I did and he tried to play it with real player. When he try to play it only show the 1st frame and play the audio. So probably download or update your codec.

Or you probably pressing the frame key with fraps instead the video record key.

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go to wegame.com make an account, download the client, thats how i get my videos it works great and smoothly behind the scenes, recently i havent used it but you must turn it on before turn ing on a game and if i remember well there will be a red square to show that u are not recording in one of the corners of ur screen you will see it in game

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If you are using Fraps for any source game, I would say you have spent money on a program that doesn't do any more than what a few lines of commands in your console can do, plus the console method makes it arguably so much easier to transition from capturing to loading it up in the editor of your choice (mine is sony vegas pro).

If you are using Fraps for any other game, such as BFBC2 or COD or w/e, then I guess it justifies the money. Sorry to say, but I'm just trying to help.

There are cmds that allows one to make really high quality videos from any source game, as long as your movie cfg is set up correctly. (more on that later)

Now to your question, have you tried placing the program in question that is playing it to top priority in your task manager? I sometimes had a problem similar to yours where my video would lag waaaaay behind the audio. If that does not fix it, my friend Google can probably help.

I'm really bored in class...

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