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How long have you been playing DoD?


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Well, I've gone through 2 betas of DODS. The first was the Source beta back in... well, I think it was 2005. Yeah. Then I played through the transition to the new engine based off of TF2. That was when they introduced Palermo off of the map Salerno. It also broke every config we had. I think that was back in '08. I never, ever played DOD. I played a ton of Rogue Spear, though.

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I started playing in late 2003 or early 2004 (version 1.1 I believe). So about 8 years

However, I played a lot for a couple of years (I was active when DOD:S was released) but stopped playing soon after.

I picked it up again for a few months in 2008 and then stopped playing again.

Then I started playing again earlier this year.

So, I started playing 8 years ago but really only played regularly for 2 or 3 of those years.

I can't believe how old this game is. :o

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I started playing in the spring of 2008. Then I took almost a year off and came back to the game to join the 1st MRB. The most fun times I had playing this game were during the spring, summer, and fall of 2008. That was back when Wingate and I were TIGHT. Olive branch?

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Since beta. I think the 2.0 beta was October or November of 2001, that's the first one I played. Back then, you had to connect through GameSpy. Steam got involved a few years later and made it much easier to find servers.

First map I played was dod_hill. Then dod_caen. Then dod_forest. Then dod_glider. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I played back then as Red Eye Jedi. I smoked a lot of weed, and I like Star Wars.

Then I was hooked.

Played up until Source was announced. Tried it. Hated it. Stopped playing.

Tried it again around 2007. Played with the 28th ID a lot and the 5th RB until they banned me for calling their Captain an asshole. Started hanging out in the 6th RB servers with the alias of Sexual Harassment Panda. Brewer asked me to join the 6th. Brewer and Klassen where my DI's.

I shortly there-after discovered mapping, which quite honestly if it wasn't for that I might have stopped playing a long time ago.

Been here since the unit was just a conversation, keep getting busy with life but always seem to mosey on back to my friends.

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Since beta. I think the 2.0 beta was October or November of 2001, that's the first one I played. Back then, you had to connect through GameSpy. Steam got involved a few years later and made it much easier to find servers.

First map I played was dod_hill. Then dod_caen. Then dod_forest. Then dod_glider. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I played back then as Red Eye Jedi. I smoked a lot of weed, and I like Star Wars.

Then I was hooked.

Played up until Source was announced. Tried it. Hated it. Stopped playing.

Tried it again around 2007. Played with the 28th ID a lot and the 5th RB until they banned me for calling their Captain an asshole. Started hanging out in the 6th RB servers with the alias of Sexual Harassment Panda. Brewer asked me to join the 6th. Brewer and Klassen where my DI's.

I shortly there-after discovered mapping, which quite honestly if it wasn't for that I might have stopped playing a long time ago.

Been here since the unit was just a conversation, keep getting busy with life but always seem to mosey on back to my friends.

I was similar to Ford except I didn't play in beta. I started playing around 2004 after watching a good friend of mine go 72-3 (I thought "Hey, I could do that!") Since then I've played off and on (mostly 'on'). I introduced Dobbles BAR to DoD and we used to play 12+ hour sessions sitting at his house - we were hooked.

When Source came out - both Dobbles and I (like Ford) hated it and quit playing. It wasn't until much later we came back to it (with better PC's) and started to enjoy it - although I still think we'd both offer good arguments as to why the original was so much better.

What I enjoyed so much about 1.3/1.6 was that you had to use teammwork in order to accomplish wins - and often (even in pubs) you found people willing to do that. In source it seems far less like that and more about 'look how big my e-peen is'.

But yea, I had some downtime while I got into WoW & Everquest 2, but eventually came back to DoD:S, and when I did - the 1st happened to be the first server I played in. I liked the organization and decided it would be something cool to try. After seeing the way you were forced to use communication & teammwork to win a realism, it was over and I was hooked.

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About Mid 2008. My brother was celebrating his birthday and he found Counter Strike, DoD,

and Half Life Deathmatch in a 3 pack at walmart for 20 bucks. He bought it and I found that

DoD was a type of WWII thing (My fetish :P ) and I started playing. Was hooked ever since.

Was under the name ZMaine (First Initial, State I live in) Then I joined a gang of buddies

(thats still around) called the Swamp Rats Rat Pack, or SRRP. was in it for 4 months and had

technical issues, so I quit until mid May of this year, looking for another more organized and

hearty bunch of people. Then I find you guys and I've played ever since B)

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I kinda started at the end of 2010. I got DoD:S with my CS:S Disc so I would just jump from server to server pubbing it up with anyone I met on Dods. Then one day I popped onto the 1st MRB server. There, I met a man named Jones. (TBH I think he was a staff sergeant then but w/e) We talked alot, and somehow he lulled me into joining the 1st. So I popped an App in and was accepted. I continued my reign from there on until I retired, stopped playing DoD:S for a bit, then got back into it and joined the unit again. I am still alive and kickin it in the 1st and on Dods

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WOW, I thought I posted here once...

Started with the very first version, 3.1, way back in what 1998?????? Continued on and started my own server, as the 506th. Bryan and I ran that for a little over a year. It desolved and we joined the 2nd ID, until it disbanded. Jumped from server to server until we found the 1st MRB. So I guess I have been playing DoD for about 13 yrs?????????

LOL and just the other day, one of the guys that was with the 506th showed on the server.

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started playing DOD around early 2006 probally even 2005 been playing that along with CSS since then Halo before that of course thats why i jump alot

was in the 6th for about 3 years was in Blackwatch 2 years i believe now im here almost 2 years here to....

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