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Poor Mamora...


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HAHAHAHA yet, the Packers are the only ones who are 6-0 in the league ;).



loser. you just have a shitty line, plus you guys play easy teams.

what's funny though: we have the #1 offense in the league, but the 32nd defense... how weird. Gotta love my boy Vince Wilfork though ;)

Edited by Elder 1st MRB
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Elder's a Pats fan? Interesting.

My dad's not to pleased with the Eagles though...and so is a good majority of Washington DC.

Since when have you NOT known I'm a pats fan... jesus. I am a pats, bruins, and red sox fan (although the red sox are breaking down). It's a known fact.

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and way to be ignorant parker...

Ignorant about what? How is stating that you are not a sports fan but rather a football fan ignorant? Sure you may like hockey and know something about it, but do you know anything about soccer? baseball? tennis? golf? rugby? I would assume probably not since you only posted football as your "top 5" favorite sports. Elder next time you feel like calling me ignorant, look up the definition first. Kthnxbye.

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Ignorant about what? How is stating that you are not a sports fan but rather a football fan ignorant? Sure you may like hockey and know something about it, but do you know anything about soccer? baseball? tennis? golf? rugby? I would assume probably not since you only posted football as your "top 5" favorite sports. Elder next time you feel like calling me ignorant, look up the definition first. Kthnxbye.

lmao I wasn't talking about that... I was just calling you ignorant for saying: "I know everything about sports" in your last post. That's why I was calling you that, Mr. Ranter.

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