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Riddle me this?


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Ive heard this many numerous times.

A man

Baby crawling ( 4 legs )

Man walking ( 2 legs )

Old man ( 2 legs + 1 cane (3 legs ))

Next Riddle :

You die and you arrive in a room with 2 doors. One leads to Hell and the other to Heaven. Next to each door is a figure. Both of these figures look exactly alike. One is an angel *Who always tells the truth* and the other is the devil and *always lies*.

You may ask the same question to both of them and you will need to figure out who is who and which door leads to heaven / hell ( you want to go to heaven ).

If you guys want I can give a hint later.

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Really? we're going to the infamous "Labyrinth" riddle this early on? Bowie be praised!

You’re either asking a truthful person what a liar would say, or you're asking a liar what the truthful person would say.

So, you ask one figure, "would the other figure tell me this door goes to heaven?" Whatever answer they give you is the opposite of the truth. Otherwise you could ask a ridiculously obvious question. the trick to this riddle is usually limiting you to one question.

Since we're doing cliché riddles, how about the Monty Hall?

Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1 [but the door is not opened], and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice? Why or why not? Does it even matter?

(For those of you too young to know who Monty Hall is, he used to host "Let's Make a Deal")

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Damn it Kirk beat me to it, I was stuck in reply screen shity internet, and I hate these probabiliy riddles.

I have all the friends in the world, when shared I hold many secrets, when asked I provide entertainment for my friends, but if I find the wrong type of entertainment I probably get sick, and when I'm sick it spreads and I freeze and then see blue. What am I?

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Really? we're going to the infamous "Labyrinth" riddle this early on? Bowie be praised!

You’re either asking a truthful person what a liar would say, or you're asking a liar what the truthful person would say.

So, you ask one figure, "would the other figure tell me this door goes to heaven?" Whatever answer they give you is the opposite of the truth. Otherwise you could ask a ridiculously obvious question. the trick to this riddle is usually limiting you to one question.

Hmmm, didn't know this was a popular one. I heard it for the first time last week from this transfer student.

Since we're doing cliché riddles, how about the Monty Hall?

Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1 [but the door is not opened], and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice? Why or why not? Does it even matter?

It is in your interest to switch your pick ( switch 1 -> 2 ).

I dont understand the math behind it but this is how I get it:

With 3 doors hidden you have 1/3 chance to get it right. When he reveals the 3rd door and you switch your pick you choose 2 out of the three doors( your guess + the one that was just revealed ) giving you a 2/3 chance of winning ( doubling your chances).

Here's one I couldn't get:

It is greater than God and more evil than the devil. The poor have it, the rich need it and if you eat it you'll die. What is it?

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Hummm not sure there is a correct answer to this, but here goes my opinion.

When the contestant is first faced with the choice they have a 1 in 3 chance of getting the correct door. Whether they choose the right door or not there will still be at least one door behind which there is a goat. So the host opening a door to reveal a goat does not help very much.

Once a door has been opened the contestant is faced with better odds with making a choice, they now have a 1 in 2 chance of success. However assuming the game show is honest and what is behind each door is not moved, the contestant has already chosen a door which has an equal chance of being correct compared to the other. So in fact there would be no benefit to changing.

The question is, if the contestant had selected the wrong door in the first place would the host have opened that door ending the game? It would be to the shows advantage to do that since they then dont have to give a car away. Whereas if the contestant had selected the door with the car it is to the shows advantage to trick the contestant into switching.

So Jones's thoughts are it is best to stay with the first choice.

So heres the next riddle.

Every morning at work Fred enters the lift at work, gets out on the 6th floor then proceeds to walk up the stairs to the 8th floor to the canteen. The only days he takes the lift directly to the 8th floor is when it is raining. Why?

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It is greater than God and more evil than the devil. The poor have it, the rich need it and if you eat it you'll die. What is it?

Come on Magic easy as hell.

Answer: Nothing.

There nothing greater then god. There nothing more evil then devil, the poor have nothing, and rich need nothing, and if you eat nothing you die.

My riddle

I have all the friends in the world, when shared I hold many secrets, when asked I provide entertainment for my friends, but if I find the wrong type of entertainment I probably get sick, and when I'm sick it spreads and I freeze and then see blue. What am I?
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This thread is already all sorts of messed up. Just people hurrying to post riddles! I'm not sure even which ones to answer. Magic was correct in the Monty Hall, Jones your answer is the most common answer that people think of. If you want a full explanation, I wrote one below on how I explained it in my Stats class.

Since the game host knows what's behind the doors, he isn't going to pick the door that has the car behind it. He will pick a door that has the goat behind it. Picture it this way

There are three possible scenarios for the choices:


car - goat - goat

goat - car - goat

goat - goat - car

Assume you would pick "B" for the scenario. So, you have a 33% chance of being correct, i.e.:


car - [goat] - goat

goat - [car] - goat

goat - [goat] - car

The host, knowing which door the car is behind will then eliminate one other door:


car - [goat] - X

X - [car] - goat

X - [goat] - car

So in one scenario you guesed correct. However, if it was behind either of the other two doors you are incorrect. Therefore, switching your guess gives you a 66% chance of getting the car. It is your advantage to switch.

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This one should a fun one to answer.

One snowy night, Sherlock Holmes was in his house sitting by a fire. All of a sudden a snowball came crashing through his window, breaking it.

Holmes got up and looked out the window just in time to see three neighborhood kids who were brothers run around a corner. Their names were John Crimson, Mark Crimson and Paul Crimson.

The next day Holmes got a note on his door that read "? Crimson. He broke your window."

Which of the three Crimson brothers should Sherlock Holmes question about the incident?

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This one should a fun one to answer.

One snowy night, Sherlock Holmes was in his house sitting by a fire. All of a sudden a snowball came crashing through his window, breaking it.

Holmes got up and looked out the window just in time to see three neighborhood kids who were brothers run around a corner. Their names were John Crimson, Mark Crimson and Paul Crimson.

The next day Holmes got a note on his door that read "? Crimson. He broke your window."

Which of the three Crimson brothers should Sherlock Holmes question about the incident?

Mark Crimson? Cause if u read it, it says Question-Mark Crimson.

Every morning at work Fred enters the lift at work, gets out on the 6th floor then proceeds to walk up the stairs to the 8th floor to the canteen. The only days he takes the lift directly to the 8th floor is when it is raining. Why?

I think the word canteen has thrown me off

When it isnt raining he goes to the 6th floor to take a shower. But on days that it is raining, he gets wet even if he doesnt shower?

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Ok folks, I am about to post one of my favorites.

You are trapped in a room. It has 4 walls, a floor, and a ceiling. There are no doors, windows, stairs inside the room. All you have in the room is a table and a mirror. Yet you manage to escape the room. How?

Two things i thought of:

You take the elevator!

Good thing you killed Maines and have his shovel as a trophy! You dig your way out to FREEDOM!


After looking up the answer:

That is the most bullshit answer I have ever seen. There is no way you could of gotten that out of this riddle... It literally has almost nothing to do with thinking but just straight out knowing the answer either from hearsay or being on acid and thinking it up. That is a bad riddle.

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Two things i thought of:

You take the elevator!

Good thing you killed Maines and have his shovel as a trophy! You dig your way out to FREEDOM!


After looking up the answer:

That is the most bullshit answer I have ever seen. There is no way you could of gotten that out of this riddle... It literally has almost nothing to do with thinking but just straight out knowing the answer either from hearsay or being on acid and thinking it up. That is a bad riddle.

Someones mad they couldn't figure it out. It's a great riddle, your just a little girl :-P

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Re: Monty Hall

Actually, I believe the mathematical probabilities state that sticking with your choice lends you the best odds. They do the whole "do you want to switch" to throw you off.

It's been 11+ years since we did the math behind it way back in like Algebra 2 (Sophmore year was a long time ago) but IIRC sticking with your choice is your best bet.

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Also, a riddle:

There is a locked room upstairs (assume this light emits no light when the light inside is lit). You can only go upstairs ONCE, you cannot return to the lower level after ascending the steps. There is 1 lightbulb inside the room wired to one of 3 switches downstairs. You need to figure out which lightswitch controls the lighbulb.

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Re: Monty Hall

Actually, I believe the mathematical probabilities state that sticking with your choice lends you the best odds. They do the whole "do you want to switch" to throw you off.

It's been 11+ years since we did the math behind it way back in like Algebra 2 (Sophmore year was a long time ago) but IIRC sticking with your choice is your best bet.

Citation needed. To quote montyhallproblem.com, "It’s best to switch. Always."

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If 1+1=2 and 2+2=fish, whats 3+3???

Also, a riddle:

There is a locked room upstairs (assume this light emits no light when the light inside is lit). You can only go upstairs ONCE, you cannot return to the lower level after ascending the steps. There is 1 lightbulb inside the room wired to one of 3 switches downstairs. You need to figure out which lightswitch controls the lighbulb.

I wouldnt know what to do :P

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To answer Goodwin's riddle: I guess you could turn on one light switch and wait ten minutes for the light bulb to get hot and then turn it off. Afterwards turn on the second light switch and head upstairs. If the light bulb is hot then the first switch turns on the light, if the light is on than the second switch turns it on, and if the light is off and cold the third switch turns it on.

Oh and for a riddle

You have a chicken, a bag of corn, and a wolf. Your standing next to a river with a raft and need to get all three over the river safely. The wolf will eat the chicken and the chicken will eat the corn if you are not there. The raft is falling apart and can only carry you and one item at a time also the raft will break if you cross the river more than seven times. How do you get across?

Edited by Rouleau 1st MRB
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You have a chicken, a bag of corn, and a wolf. Your standing next to a river with a raft and need to get all three over the river safely. The wolf will eat the chicken and the chicken will eat the corn if you are not there. The raft is falling apart and can only carry you and one item at a time also the raft will break if you cross the river more than seven times. How do you get across?

You bring the chicken over first.

Go back and bring the corn, take the chicken back to original side

Go back, leave chicken, take wolf, leave wolf

Go back and finally bring over chicken

6 trips taken.

Riddles still up:

I have all the friends in the world, when shared I hold many secrets, when asked I provide entertainment for my friends, but if I find the wrong type of entertainment I probably get sick, and when I'm sick it spreads and I freeze and then see blue. What am I?

If 1+1=2 and 2+2=fish, whats 3+3???
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I have all the friends in the world, when shared I hold many secrets, when asked I provide entertainment for my friends, but if I find the wrong type of entertainment I probably get sick, and when I'm sick it spreads and I freeze and then see blue. What am I?

A computer?

The internet?

A computer virus?

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Citation needed. To quote montyhallproblem.com, "It’s best to switch. Always."

After looking around - there is a good amount of debate about the math behind it all (depending on certain circumstances etc.)

It seems there's a lot of general consensus you should switch, however I found this: http://math.ucsd.edu/~crypto/cgi-bin/Monty...s/monty2?0+3083 -- people who switch lose more than those who don't. However, I'm not exactly sure how accurate those numbers are considering the negatives in there (although I imagine that is due simply to a syntax error in the code and the stats are probably realistic/accurate for those who've taken the test).

All I know is - I'm glad I'm not 14 anymore.

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