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Veteran's Day

Parker 1st MRB

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Past- My Grandfather, Filipino who served in the American Army, taken prisoner in the Bataan Penninsula, and endured years of maltreatment awaiting MacArthur's return.

Present- My Aunt and Uncles, who joined in peacetime and stayed when our nation was attacked in 9/11 and my Uncle transferred from reserves to the 4th ID on his second tour.

Future- Myself, or my sister. We have an undying love for this nation where we got a better opportunity for a good life, and understand that all gave some. But some gave all.

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As I know some (if not many) of our members can attest to - military life is hard.

I can't even imagine the difficulties faced by our men and women and I would imagine that most Americans cannot either. The idea that any day might be 'the day' is frightening to think about - let alone actually live through - everyday.

My family was in the military - my great-uncle (who has passed on), my grandfather (also passed), my uncle, my former brother-in-law and my cousin. I can't think of words to express my admiration, appreciation and gratitude for all of our men and women who have served for this country. One day a year does not seem enough to give proper respect to all who've come before us and protected us with their lives - so I challenge everyone to appreciate veterans any and every time you see one. A handshake and a 'thank you', or even a nod in their direction. They are doing what the rest of us are either too scared, too lazy or too incapable of doing; they are a special breed.

Today though, remember our veterans; take the time to fully appreciate them and make sure to thank them for their service.

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My Great Grandparents served in WWII, preferably in Iwo Jima, I have heard he was the most badass guy to ever walk on Iwo Jima.

My uncle is probably one of my favorite veterans. Lt. Col Joseph Paquette, who served in Vietnam.

I *Salute* my family who have served, and all others who have given their lives for this place.

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Thanks guys, it means a lot to those who serve to see this kinda support.

This day is to commemorate those warriors in the past who have all done their part. I would like to say a special thanks to my Grandfather McKenzie, who served in WWII (passed away), my Step Grandfather who served with the Green Berets in Vietnam, training the Montangards (spelling?) , the mountain people of Vietnam to fight the NVA and the VC. I'd also like to send a thanks to my father, who served in Desert Storm with the III Corps Phantom Command, as a tank commander during the conflict in the 90's.

Thank you to all over

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I want to thank the older parts of my family for serving during WW1, WW2, Korea, and Vietnam.

I would also like to thank my Mom, and Dad as they both served in the Navy. Dad 7 years, Mom going on 20.

And soon in a little over 10 months i will joining in my family's great tradition of serving this amazing country that we live in

I would also like to thank every man, and women who served, and will serve,in the past, present, and future. For the sacrifices that they have made for this country.

Without you our freedom may have never come to be.


Semper Fi

Edited by Frantz 1st MRB
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"In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie,

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields."

-LtCol. John McCrae.

Lest we forget those brave few who have given the ultimate sacrifice for their country, and for the freedom of all mankind. God Bless those brave men and women who have served, are serving, and will serve in the future in the armed forces.

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