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Best rapper of all time

Coogan 1st MRB

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I do NOT like rap. Rap is bullshit music (it's not even music) made by untalented fucks who couldn't rhyme their way out of a plastic bag (but unfortunately that bag isn't duct taped around their neck). Hip-hop is where artists truly stretch their abilities. Hip-hop is good, rap is shit. Jay-Z, Lil' Wayne, whatever bullshit artist comes along as the next great thing can suck it. They couldn't stand next to any of these artists for more than 30 seconds before they'd be outclassed and out rhymed.

Blackalicious - Boom. The alphabet, nuff said.

This. Is. Hip. Hop. Telling a story - and a positive one at that. This is 'The Coup' by the way. The first time I heard this it hit me like a fucking truck. The story is amazing, the fact it all rhymes? Doubles the impressiveness. You gotta listen to the entire SEVEN MINUTES to get the whole story. Yep, a 7 minute rap that doesn't have 6 minutes worth of chorus. In fact - it's almost ALL rhyme, the entire time. No repetition like you hear out of the modern 'rappers' who can't write more than 5 lines at a time. These guys have a way with words, they've got some really fun songs too. Allow me to expand on The Coups versatility:

Who would've thought 'ation' could fit in so many words?

Pure comedy! We've all known someone with 'that car', and even then they bring a great point... their car is better than your shoes!


How about this fucking song? Amazing. Beautiful message, amazing story-telling. You can see the street, you can see the woman aging and at the end of it all? You feel inspired to go out and follow your dreams; take your life by the reigns and do something with it! Name a modern 'rap' song that does that to you - it doesn't, because rap is shit. Hip-hop is an art, Aesop Rock is what you might call a 'master' of the art, a teacher for others to learn from. All over his rhymes, they're real, earthy and amazing. Educated. Not to mention, he's literally - an artist. He went to art school!

Eyedea and Abilities - ummmmm what!? Fucking awesome. Rhymesayers puts out some good shit, unfortunately this artist has passed onto another place, a better one. "It ain't all good, but it's all good enough.." There are other things by Eyedea that are just as sick. He's got it all, from nasty and pretentious to thoughtful and introspective. Amazing what people can do with words.

Lets keep it real - family first. Leave it to Atmosphere to keep it real - bringing it on home. I can honestly say this song gives me chills EVERY freaking time I watch it. First time I heard it I wanted to cry - and I'm not afraid to admit it. It's real. That's okay - he can make you feel a bit better with this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ey7WyVCE_w...feature=related - or maybe you like to reflect on things, here's another: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhlakIjSir0...feature=related

I think because of my divorce and the fact that I've given everything in my life for my 2 sons... this song resonates with me. Of course, this one does also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kT0uHleQ7-w...feature=related (mostly because my ex was a crazy fucked up bitch who was suicidal and had thoughts about killing our first born)

Brother Ali is some good shit for an albino mu'fucka!

Murs - awesome! Doesn't take himself too seriously but writes some awesome shit too. Inspiring song - I have to admit, still get chills listening to this one too. Love it.

Sole - of Anticon; What a movement they were/are. You have to give it up for a group of hip-hop artists who band together and make art out of hip-hop. Part of the rules were that the lyrics had to be readable as a poem, because they wanted to make art, not rap bullshit. Meanwhile their songs are intense, creative and vastly different from mainstream bullshit. This is art, this is skill, this is intelligence. This is hip-hop as true art.


Where would we be without some of the forefathers? Yea, still standing on street corners rhyming with friends. A little Tribe Called Quest to end this.

These are some of my favorites - I said it once and I stand behind what I say - rap is bullshit. Hip-hop is music.

Oh, that said, I like those beats!

Also this one:

- I debated on this one. He is SO political sometimes, and in this song it's frightening. Really gets you into the 'thug' mentality (sad). It's becoming so prominent in America. Sometimes his rhymes are a bit too much for me, this song is... well, frightening in some ways; but it has a message. I'm not sure how I feel about him because he's kind of anti-what I consider hip hop, but he's got a lot of really ridiculous flows and some songs that are so full of truth.
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