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Widowed Teen Mom Kills Intruder

N. Walts

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Damn right she did the right thing. The shittiest thing they can do now is the anti-gunners will mount a campaign to demonize her and trump up the victim charge on the perps she shot.

Fortunately we're not Britain yet in that form of stupidity. /sorry Jones.

+1 except for the britan part. I love Jones too muh to say that <3

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well personally ok yes she acted right in defending herself, but was she shooting to kill or to defend thats my point you shouldnt kill a person unless they get back up and try to attack you again.

She fired a shotgun at him. From as far away as you could get in a mobile home I doubt he was getting back up after even 1 hit. I'd like to say that she should have given him a chance to retreat before she shot him, but if she thought his knife was a gun, it's hard to argue with firing immediately.

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Damn right she did the right thing. The shittiest thing they can do now is the anti-gunners will mount a campaign to demonize her and trump up the victim charge on the perps she shot.

Fortunately we're not Britain yet in that form of stupidity. /sorry Jones.

Oklahoma Law dictates that when someone (civilian or criminal) is killed during the crime, in this case burglary, the criminals that committed the crime (and survived) are additionally charged with murder whether they pulled the trigger or not. Don't you just love laws that actually make sense? The other guy that was trying to break in was caught and is now facing that murder charge in court.

Also, I like how she called 911 before she did anything. Clears up any legal issues that might arise. The operator said she couldn't give permission to shoot anyone, but informed the mom to do what she thought was necessary to protect her baby and her own life.

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Oklahoma Law dictates that when someone (civilian or criminal) is killed during the crime, in this case burglary, the criminals that committed the crime (and survived) are additionally charged with murder whether they pulled the trigger or not. Don't you just love laws that actually make sense? The other guy that was trying to break in was caught and is now facing that murder charge in court.

Also, I like how she called 911 before she did anything. Clears up any legal issues that might arise. The operator said she couldn't give permission to shoot anyone, but informed the mom to do what she thought was necessary to protect her baby and her own life.

The true common sense gun laws are those who allow lawful citizens the right to keep and bear arms to protect person, family, and property (as well as to have fun really...). Not this weird laws on gun free zones and banning firearms. And yes, the 911 call was good, its what is always taught really. Shoot and inform 911. As long as 911 is informed, it helps the first responders as well so they don't get shot by the one defending their home.

Edited by Pangilinan 1st MRB
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The true common sense gun laws are those who allow lawful citizens the right to keep and bear arms to protect person, family, and property (as well as to have fun really...). Not this weird laws on gun free zones and banning firearms. And yes, the 911 call was good, its what is always taught really. Shoot and inform 911. As long as 911 is informed, it helps the first responders as well so they don't get shot by the one defending their home.

I live in IL, which is unfortunate. They are THE most strict with regards to gun laws.

Of course, IL is also one of the poorest states in the US as well as some other really pathetic things...

Regardless, I think people with guns is a good thing. Why should only crooks be armed? You teach someone early on how to properly care for and use a firearm, and odds are they'll be the ones who do NOT have 'accidents' where they shoot others, and they won't be all 'gung ho' to shoot an intruder either. Great example was during a shooting in Arizona (where CC is legal), a concerned citizen drew his weapon but fired no shots - why? He was an educated gun user and was aware of the citizens surrounding the target. In fact there were other armed citizens that day as well, but the criminal was apprehended WITHOUT any of them firing a shot.

People who are anti-gun, are usually just ill-informed and/or uneducated on gun usage themselves; at least in my experience. Guns don't kill people... people kill people (how cliche, I know).

I am glad she did that, and glad she got off the hook. What I'm not glad about - is that it has to be national news; it should just be a 'fact', if you break into someones house and they're armed, they can and will kill you should you get caught. I imagine if it was a common occurrence, the trash who actually engage in these crimes may actually think twice. Maybe not, but here's to hoping.

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Well, the anti-gunners are in a bit of decline, especially after SCOTUS' decision on Heller in Washington DC and I beleive we also did a similar deal in Chicago, so here's to hoping Goodwin. I do remember a comment I got while watching Tales of the Gun: The eras that Hollywood had always shown to be rich in gun violence (Wild West and Depression Era America) were particularly not. An armed society was a polite society. Never know if the other end of the watch chain held a derringer or he had a vest pistol on his person or a revolver in the woman's purse.

Good on the woman, and a boon to our never ending fight to make sure lawful citizens are allowed their lawful right to firearms.

Edited by Pangilinan 1st MRB
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Only one mistake. She didn't put anchoring rounds in the guy on the floor :-P.

In all seriousness though, this is good shit. I can tell you right now, if I was at home and someone tried to break in when my kids were in there, I would have shot first then called 911. As soon as you cross my threshold uninvited, you are an intruder and a tresspasser, and according to Wisconsin law, I only have to inform you one time I have a gun, and it doesn't say how long after I inform you that I can shoot you. Just saying. So unless you are right in the doorway/window, You'll probably at least catch a hot one in the leg.

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As soon as you cross my threshold uninvited, you are an intruder and a tresspasser, and according to Wisconsin law, I only have to inform you one time I have a gun, and it doesn't say how long after I inform you that I can shoot you. Just saying. So unless you are right in the doorway/window, You'll probably at least catch a hot one in the leg.

I picture myself telling the dead bodies, that just died of my gunshots, as I'm dragging them to my front lawn, that I have a gun.

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