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Best Rapper to life also the realist.


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Completely disagree.

Tupac is a legend and will always be a legend. he was truthful to himself and his career and made most of his rap off his own life experiences.

Not to mention if he was still alive...Lil Wanye...Eminem...Birdman. Etc. would be flipping burgers at mcdonalds. lol

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Completely disagree.

Tupac is a legend and will always be a legend. he was truthful to himself and his career and made most of his rap off his own life experiences.

Not to mention if he was still alive...Lil Wanye...Eminem...Birdman. Etc. would be flipping burgers at mcdonalds. lol

I'd argue the exact opposite.

He had that 'thug/gang' mentality that got more and more popular largely based on rappers like him (why? "the beats are awesome" people claim).

If you listen to the original hip-hoppers they spoke far differently. His rhymes were okay, if you like weak minded money dominated "smack my hoes get my money" type bullshit rap. Often monosyllabic and with little point or story. Not to mention - he wasn't known for his freestyle (at least than I'm aware). He was known for his albums... and I'm sorry but I think a lot of his stuff could've been written by anyone with a $.99 rhyming dictionary and time on their hands.

Here's some of Eyedea just going freestyle.

Eyedea would've lit Tupac up, then laid him down to sleep. Tupac was never a 'legend', just right place at the right time.

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I disagree, Eyedea's work has to much rhyming. Unlike Tupac he has a lot of rhymes too, but you have to think at least he based his work on his life, through the happyness, sadness, anger, depression, unlike Eyedea i haven't found a song about him being sad or raping about how life has problems (Unless you can link me one because i can't find no onther)

Unlike Eyedea, tupac (IMO) Has the true natural talent to rap. and not only was he a legend and gained a ton of fame you forget all his references to the "Illuminati" hints his some "Killuminati" and others that have hinted this. that was another reason he became famous. Because he worked with the illuminati to make his career of being a rapper. Unlike todays rappers where there are certain ones who are mainstream and who are not. like for Example:

Eminem. Successful even in his songs he referenced/hinted selling his "soul" to the devil for fortune and fame. (He has several songs that reference this)

Not to mention after his release of "Not Afraid" he was taken OFF his OWN magazine that he deserved and should of been on. but he wasn't for no reason. also have you noticed he is out of the news entirely?

go to 2:00-2:48 then 3:10-3:48 and some bits and peices after that

If you listen to it CAREFULLY not go along with its cacthy chrous or beats. and you see what im talking about.

Edited by D. Thomas 1st MRB
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I disagree, Eyedea's work has to much rhyming. Unlike Tupac he has a lot of rhymes too, but you have to think at least he based his work on his life, through the happyness, sadness, anger, depression, unlike Eyedea i haven't found a song about him being sad or raping about how life has problems (Unless you can link me one because i can't find no onther)

Okay, I call bullshit. One of Eyedeas most popular songs? Smile.

-> it's all about how even though life can be so hard - you have to continue to just smile and get through it. It carries such a huge message I'm encouraged to believe you didn't google or search at all! It's one of his most popular hits! Also, hip-hop (or 'rap') is all about rhyming - that's the POINT of the style. You can't have "too much", well, I guess you can with guys like Twista and that... but... most of the time? If they aren't rapping much it's because they don't have it. Smile is all about depression that people battle EVERY DAY.

Maybe that's not a good example?

How about this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aam8tyc9Rk...feature=related

A Murder of Memories - about veterans of the military who killed. How they have trouble adjusting to life, how their memories haunt them and kill them every day - eventually leading to suicide or attempts at it. How they've "seen so much death that they're scared of life". Is that no "life has problems"? Is that not real enough?

How about this one? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66HUSPUz7ZQ...feature=related

All about being exhausted, talking about life - EVERY DAY LIFE. "thats what happens when you trade in all your dreams for a job";

Again, you say you couldn't find any of this - but did you even try? These are just a few I found within a 30 second google search...

How about this one?

- he discusses the entire history of man. The entire species of man in philosophical discussion.

I think my point is proven, you didn't even bother googling.

- "we're both sinking in the same boat" as he describes what's going on around in life and how the 'roads full of potholes but I don't need to tell you cuz you already know'. You're right. He's probably not talking about the every day man or every day life.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hK7lBMmGJiM...feature=related - he's remembering someone. "we share pain, you took me by the throat and made me understand the world as if I were you and I couldn't breath, you can lead a horse to fresh water but you can't teach it how to be okay when you decide to leave" - no anger or pain in that is there.

Unlike Eyedea, tupac (IMO) Has the true natural talent to rap. and not only was he a legend and gained a ton of fame you forget all his references to the "Illuminati" hints his some "Killuminati" and others that have hinted this. that was another reason he became famous. Because he worked with the illuminati to make his career of being a rapper. Unlike todays rappers where there are certain ones who are mainstream and who are not. like for Example:

Did you google at all? That's rhetorical - we know the answer! Eyedea was a 'famous' indie rapper by the age of 15. If that's not "true natural talent" I don't know what is. He was slaying MC's at 15 years of age! He didn't have to 'work with illuminati' to get anywhere. There's no mystery - he was just that fucking good. Unlike Tupac - he made it himself, by himself. And 'the illuminati'? Come on man... look at the musical genre's that were popular at the time. He was making music that was popular at the time - that's why he got where he did.

Eminem. Successful even in his songs he referenced/hinted selling his "soul" to the devil for fortune and fame. (He has several songs that reference this)

Not to mention after his release of "Not Afraid" he was taken OFF his OWN magazine that he deserved and should of been on. but he wasn't for no reason. also have you noticed he is out of the news entirely?

go to 2:00-2:48 then 3:10-3:48 and some bits and peices after that

If you listen to it CAREFULLY not go along with its cacthy chrous or beats. and you see what im talking about.

All you're mentioning here is "hints" of things in their rhymes. Their rhymes are so ambiguous that it allows people to impart their own meaning to them; it doesn't mean they're rapping about shit that really happened. Do you also think Eminem dragged a girl up to the highest diving board and threw her down? Or fucked a bitch until she died? Come on. Part of it is just writing for the sake of writing - especially with Eminem. Eminem is a terrible example of 'real world rapping'; I could expand on this but I won't because it's too obvious.

Selling someones soul to the devil? Not new. People said Robert Johnson did that... in the 1920s. It's not a new idea, it's not crazy so if someone raps about it - don't think it actually happened. Maybe it's a reference to the musical styles/genre's that theirs came from (i.e. a throwback reference to Robert Johnson) Not saying that's what Eminems reference is about however I have heard rappers reference other styles before in that manner. Also, 'selling soul to the devil' could be a reference to the recording industry being full of fucks and low lifes and you've got to play nice with those people to get anywhere (i.e. selling out to the 'devil' to make it).

See, if my examples above weren't evidence enough that Eyedea did in fact rap about what was REAL, about what was going on around us, what was going on in his life, anger, depression, sadness, happiness and everything, check this:


He could also lay it down with some 'fun': around 1:10 he says "we makin music just to bring the fun back"; he didn't take himself so seriously - he went out and did what came NATURALLY to him. Put out some of the best rhyming you've ever heard.

Tupac couldn't hold a candle to him. But then again, I don't think Eyedea ever stole someones song and put a rap to it like Tupac had to do in order to get more mainstream (see: Changes by Tupac). Eyedeas beats and songs were all original.

He couldn't say it any better than this to the haters: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuLEhqy6vpQ -> you just jelly cuz he's a big shot - Tupac's raps pale in comparison

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It's to early in the morning here plus we have the realism match soon so responding in full will be difficult right now. For the sake of gettin anything down here I'll just say this was a fun read. My humble personal nominations for best rapper are Mos Def, Nas and Eyedea. Great vids you guys are posting btw ^__^

Fav Nas song:

Fav Mos Def song:

Edited by Percy 1st MRB
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Believe me I couldn't agree with you more Goodwin. Rap/Hip Hop, in general has had quite the journey in translation and transformation. People are surprised to fin Rap/Hip Hop is not that one track minded consumerism driven machines. I am not a fan of commercialized garbage rap that seems all to popular these days. However I do respect what this genre has been, can be, is and will be. Mos Def I have only respect for. Good rap has me think critically like I know great music makes me feel. I love and would classify my favourite genre as Vocal Trance at least it is what I am most adept at, rap is my close 2nd so I enjoy this post very much. Good stuff so far guys.

Other artists I enjoy.

Sweatshop Union -

Immortal Technique - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVgERzyMyAs

I disagree on a personal level with much of his radical personal politics, never the less he illuminates relevant issues and has his listeners which have grown in number think critically as they and after they listen.

Atmosphere -

Thomas I'm sorry to say Tupac is not the be all and end all of rap.

Edited by Percy 1st MRB
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