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Ban request: O*C Smoked

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Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:1594462

Reasons for the Ban:Hacking

Recommended duration of ban:Permanent

Demo Provided?: http://www.mediafire.com/?iy5c5o8m7lue875

Started on Argentan, noted that he had only HS kills (2 streaks of 5+ HS within very short span of time). Informed Sgt. Asmaro (who was admin in-game) that there were suspected shenanigans about with Smoked (especially with the ridiculous HS streaks that just occurred) and started spectating him at end of Argentan. The round ended quickly after I started spectating so I was only able to get a demo on Avalanche, when he realized he was being spec'd.

Also decided to pull up server stats: http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/796/ocsmoked.jpg

In 10 Kills, 6 HS (60%). At that time he knew he was being spec'd at which point his game degressed with the occasional unexplicable HS streaks and HS kills (given how horribly he was suddenly playing, the hs killstreak was out of character and certainly not fitting with the low skill level displayed for most of the demo).

Looking at his player profile on Steam (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197963454652/stats/DOD:S?tab=stats), his extremely low ID is not coherent with the amount of time played (292 hours of DodS, 16 of Call of Juarez, and very little of anything else) to get remotely close to the possible skill required to consistently get HS the way he did/does.

Also, looking at his weapon history on his profile:

Garand - 9.9% hs

Springfield - 10.7% hs

Kar - 12.3% hs

Kar Zoomed - 41.6% hs

Kar Sniped Zoomed - 34.3% hs

His weapon profiles shows huge discrepancies with his recent results (a 5x increase in % of HS from his average), not to mention the questionable comparisons of having a higher % with the ironsight instead of the sniper scope, all of which indicates a behaviour consistent with "enhanced" gameplay.

To be honest, I don't stay current on the types of augmented gameplay there might be out there, so I cannot be certain which hax are being used. However, luck does not create HS-only killstreaks of 5+ kills, especially with a single shot weapon (especially not to the tune of 60% HS rate), and especially not when the player's skill level is so visibly pedestrian when in full knowledge of being spectated.

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Although Sgt. Pandalsson has already provided a convincing argument, I thought I should also say that I have had suspicions about this player for a long time now. His performance yesterday was exactly as Pandalsson described, and I could also tell precisely when he turned the hacks off (his performance was markedly different across the two maps). I second the motion that this player be permanently banned from our servers.

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As I mentioned, he knew he was being spec'd from the end of Argentan.

However, there is no way in hell you get 5+ headshot-only killstreaks without "assistance".

This happened TWICE, and NOT in a "hi, i'm camping with my ironsights all the time" kind of way, strafing hs after strafing hs, which prompted me to go and spec him. While I understand the the demo is not sufficient (since he was aware of us watching), my experience tells me that this guy is not legit with the kind of stats he has. Everything about his performance that night (prior to be being spec'd) and his overall stats is consistent with augmented play.

It's not a case of hs, hs, kill, hs, kill, kill... It's hs, hs, hs, hs, hs, hs... There was simply no mixing up of the type of kills. Look, you don't have to take my word for it, even with all the top cal players I've played with on pubs, that kind of stuff never happens. It's always a mix of hs, hs, hs, kill, kill, hs, kill.

If you want to deny based on a demo of when he was knew he was being watched, that's fine. But there is nothing legit about going hs, hs, hs, hs, hs, hs (shot in back) then going hs, hs, hs, hs, hs (grenade death or something of the like) on his next life, which is what happened (ask Asmaro, he was there).

Also, if you look at the demo, he can't buy himself a hs most of the time which is entirely inconsistent with the consecutive strafing-hs he was making in the map just before.

Anyways, sadly, the video just does not do show the godlike headshotting skills he was displaying so I understand how this is 100% inconclusive.

So I figure this works out either way: either he's stupid and he'll go back to using enhancements and be caught on a better demo, or he realizes there's to much heat and he stops, or he simply doesn't come back again. All three work for me.

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