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An Invitation from DoDR

A. Lopez

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Salutations gentlemen,

I have created a brand new website and league for the realism community, called 'Day of Defeat Realism(abbreviated DoDR)'. This league is centered around being the central hub for all Day of Defeat: Source realism operations and shenanigans, including links to all of the active Day of Defeat Realism units that are currently participating in the league.

Tournaments will be hosted by DoDR, and will be open for any and all DoDR league member units to participate in.

I would like the 1st Marine Raider Battalion to be a part of DoDR, and I would be absolutely delighted to have you guys on-board.

I eagerly await a reply.

Sincerely and with Kind Regards,

Adrian Lopez


Official Website: http://dodrealism.co.cc/

Official Forum: http://dodrealism.co.cc/forum/

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Greetings Lopez,

Thank you for informing us about Day of Defeat Realism. It is always good to see someone taking interest in creating a community within Day of Defeat. On behalf of the 1st MRB, we wish you the best of luck and we hope DoDR becomes a recognized success in the Day of Defeat realism community. In regards to your last statement, I'm not quite sure what kind of commitment you were hoping to get from us so I'll need a more detailed response. If you want us to use and be apart of the website/community then I'm sure we can manage something, but if you had hoped that we'd join a tournament hosted by DoDR then I'm inclined to decline the offer.


Lt. Col. Parker

Battalion Senior Officer

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Greetings Lopez,

Thank you for informing us about Day of Defeat Realism. It is always good to see someone taking interest in creating a community within Day of Defeat. On behalf of the 1st MRB, we wish you the best of luck and we hope DoDR becomes a recognized success in the Day of Defeat realism community. In regards to your last statement, I'm not quite sure what kind of commitment you were hoping to get from us so I'll need a more detailed response. If you want us to use and be apart of the website/community then I'm sure we can manage something, but if you had hoped that we'd join a tournament hosted by DoDR then I'm inclined to decline the offer.


Lt. Col. Parker

Battalion Senior Officer

I would be thrilled if you/your men would want to be a part of the DoDR community, but the real support I need from you and your men is the assurance that DoDR is welcome in the realism community. After the collapse of the UWFL, and with no real competitive realism league/division going on right now, DoDR is hoping to step into those shoes. But DoDR cannot do such a thing without the support of the realism units, and that includes yours.

- Adrian

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Well like I previously stated, we'd be happy to visit your website and support your cause but we are not interested in joining a tournament. I hope you can respect our decision.


Lt. Col. Parker

Might I ask why? Are the Rangers not interested in being a part of the competitive scene? And do you currently participate in the TCN or TPG 12-man divisions?

- Adrian

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First Marine Raiders.

We just prefer to pick and choose our own scrimmages, whenever there is an outside source doing all the organization and rule setting it just defeats our idea of realism matches. We made the decision to stay out of leagues years ago and we don't plan on changing our minds about that any time soon. As to why, every league and realism scimmage community or whatever name they come up with tends to get puffed up with superiority complexes, leadership tensions, endless rule negotiations, and drama, more drama than we would like to endure. If I remember correctly, the few times we tried league matches we almost always left matches with a bad taste in our mouths either from hacking accusations or from the total disorganization.

I'm not saying your competitive realism league/division is going to fall into the same boat as our previous experiences, but we'd rather not risk it. I hope that you will respect our decision to decline your invitation to the league, we wish you the best of luck and hope to hear good things about your new competitive community.


Maj. Yamagata

Battalion Commanding Officer

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First Marine Raiders.

We just prefer to pick and choose our own scrimmages, whenever there is an outside source doing all the organization and rule setting it just defeats our idea of realism matches. We made the decision to stay out of leagues years ago and we don't plan on changing our minds about that any time soon. As to why, every league and realism scimmage community or whatever name they come up with tends to get puffed up with superiority complexes, leadership tensions, endless rule negotiations, and drama, more drama than we would like to endure. If I remember correctly, the few times we tried league matches we almost always left matches with a bad taste in our mouths either from hacking accusations or from the total disorganization.

I'm not saying your competitive realism league/division is going to fall into the same boat as our previous experiences, but we'd rather not risk it. I hope that you will respect our decision to decline your invitation to the league, we wish you the best of luck and hope to hear good things about your new competitive community.


Maj. Yamagata

Battalion Commanding Officer

Perfectly understandable. I respect your decision. And I apologize about the "Rangers" thing, sleep has been lacking.

Kind Regards and the best of luck to you all,

Adrian Lopez

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