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Help Needed! Details inside

T. Brown 1st MRB

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So I am working on my next novel (which might actually be the next next one), and I have a few visceral and extended scenes that takes place in the Vietnam war, along with another flashback that deals with WWII (and quite possibly one that falls back to the American Civil War). Now, I know we have many service members as part of this group (not sure who though), and I was hoping that one or two or more could possibly help me with some questions that will assuredly arise during my research.

Studying up on these events is never enough for me to feel as if I'm representing the truth of the wars; I have found that getting first-hand accounts from either members of the Armed forces, or even those who have spent considerable amounts of time studying them, adds much more credence to my writing and also allows me to honor the events themselves in that they will be historically accurate and not just products of my imagination.

Anyone who think they might be willing to help me on this, can you send me a PM here on the forums or an email (oizown at gmail dot com) or even hit me up on Steam and let me know you're interested? I would greatly appreciate it, and would happily acknowledge your help in a dedication and gratuitous thanks in the back of the novel, along with happily promoting any words of your own.

Also, if anyone has any sites/forums they frequent that have those that are interested in these events (or who were even there and do not mind talking about it), can you post 'em up? I will also gratuitously thank you in the credits and even shoot you less in the pub!

And of course, anyone who helps me will received signed copies once it comes out (although a release date is way far off; thinking late 2013).

Thank you for any assistance you all can provide; I sincerely appreciate it.

Cpl. Tim Brown

ps: As Gearhart already did, videos that you find informative I'd LOVE to see posted here too!

Edited by T. Brown 1st MRB
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Go around to your community's legion and talk to some war vets?

I am a frequent guest there, and some old folks home (for a short story I'm working on about life in a retirement home like that; idea came to me after grandma died, she always wanted me to write a story on her life there), but I feel as if they are somewhat reserved when talking to me, and I have noticed that if I bring up certain subjects, it does not make them feel very good, so I want to either a) learn more about it all so I can know what subjects to avoid, and B) have people readily available for when I have questions during my process so that I can just email/msg/talk-to-in-vent-or-on-steam, as opposed to traveling over to them and hoping they're in a frame of mind to talk to me. But they are invaluable wells of knowledge on the subjects and I LOVE talking to them, and for the most part, they love telling their stories...just sometimes, it gets a little difficult for them so I feel I should know what not to say or how to react better. Thanks for the tip tho!

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I've read many accounts of WWII and would be happy to provide what knowledge I have. What area/theatre would you be covering?

Thank you! And that is probably going to end up being part of the questions I'll be asking you. I have a specific plot in mind, with key characters of full complex back-stories, but have not decided where to put their combat/war/duty history...all I know right now is that they need some experience in that area to match their personalities (and the other back-back-stories I've created for them), but I just can't half-ass it and say "Oh, he was in so-and-so during the so-and-so attack," and leave it at that. I am a slight perfectionist when it comes to my stories, so every detail needs to be true to its representation. I'll send you a message tonight or tomorrow, that groovy? I am just much more organized on email then these forums. Thank you again!!

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