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2013 Baseball Season Thread

Parker 1st MRB

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Let's play ball.

Recent events include:

- Vernon Wells traded to NYY. - Kyle Lohse signs with Mil.
- Ricky Romero optioned to High-A Dunedin by the Blue Jays.
- White Sox name Dylan Axelrod fifth starter.
- Sandoval probable to start opening day for the Giants.
- Yankees sign Lyle Overbay to minors contract.

I can't wait for this season to start, there is so much optimism in Toronto right now because of their offseason moves.
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First time in three seasons the red sox won on opening day


That is all. And honestly I expected this to happen. I mean Eduardo Nunez was the opening day short stop. EDUARDO NUNEZ. He sucks in every single aspect of baseball. And half of our team is injured and now after that injury CC blows. It is going to be a LONG first half for me. To me Youkillis, Cervelli, and Cano are the only saving graces of the team.

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That is all. And honestly I expected this to happen. I mean Eduardo Nunez was the opening day short stop. EDUARDO NUNEZ. He sucks in every single aspect of baseball. And half of our team is injured and now after that injury CC blows. It is going to be a LONG first half for me. To me Youkillis, Cervelli, and Cano are the only saving graces of the team.

Haha i burned my Youkilis jersey during the first inning. Fuck that guy, he looks ridiculous now.

I'd say your infield didn't do that great in general, we had alot of infield singles. Hell we turned an infield single into two runs, which is as much atributed to the yanks poor defense as the sox aggressive base running. (LOL Jonnny fuckin Gomes) I mean y'all have alot of significant injuries to say the least, it'll be a tough first half for sure. but i mean shit that was us last season, 20+ guys on the DL. What really fucked y'all on monday was your pitching. 8 walks?! i mean 13 hits its survivable but 8 walks on top of it? get outta here haha. And it wasn't just CC either! Chamberlain is who really blew the game for y'all, not to mention Lester and our bullpen all had good outings. We just outplayed y'all that day. We shall see what happens tomorrow night, and for the rest of the season. oit was nice to get Opening day in the Bronx, but i don;t think its necessarily telling for whats gonna go down all season.

I for one, am just happy to watch the teams play again.

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Well I am going to have to agree with you there. Our infield is crap. Now I can understand Youkillis is not a good fielder. However, I think he contributes more to the team than A-Rod as of right now. I also believe he will be better than the A-Rod we have worked with for the past few years. And Yeah. Our pitching is not good. Well CC is probably going to be better come August. However that does not excuse anyone else. And ok, Joba has not pitched in a while and at that point they just wanted to give him time out there. Oh well. However. We will see. Good luck with the season. And may the better team win. Although I think we can both agree that we all hate the Orioles and the Rays.

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Did you see R.A. Dickey's start today? Haha that catcher was fucking him over bad. LRN 2 KNUKLEBALL!!! honestly man, i just wanna see the blue jays crash and fucking burn this season. I hate teams that are overhyped because they by alot of talent. i.e. "the dream team" Philidelphia Eagles (football reference in a baseball thread, i know, please don't shoot me)

But ill have to disagree with your point on Youkilis, to a certain degree. I think he's playing 1B for y'all right? I mean he was a consistent Gold Glove winning first basemen. When we moved him over to third, he's fielding went down a little bit, but not by much. He's was still an above average third basemen. However, i will say that he's had alot of hip problems, so maybe im living too much in the past when i say i think he's a good infielder. But if im wrong and he's playing 3rd, ouch for y'all :P

Plain and simple, fuck A-Rod. if you're a human being with any sense you can't like that guy. I've never met a male (the ladies love A-Rod) Yankees fan who liked that scumbag.

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Did you see R.A. Dickey's start today? Haha that catcher was fucking him over bad. LRN 2 KNUKLEBALL!!! honestly man, i just wanna see the blue jays crash and fucking burn this season. I hate teams that are overhyped because they by alot of talent.

First of all, no one bought anything, we traded for them giving up prospects in return. Second, the name of the catcher is J.P. Arencibia who played for team USA in the WBC this year. He sholdn't be catching Dickey, but he wasn't the one who gave up a 2-run HR. Third, are you going to be THAT GUY who wants attention on sports forums so he goes and trash talks other teams instead of worrying about his own? Oh wait, you're a Red Sox fan, makes sense. Try to not take longer than 86 years to win a championship next time kbyethnx.

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Hey, at least we won our first game. Fair enough you didnt buy everyone, my point still is i hate overhyped teams. congrats your roster looks great. ill give your team props when you win a title this decade. maybe this is the year? idk, its gonna be a long season. not trying to talk shit, just speaking my opinion.

In other news, ma how close was Yu Darvish tonight? i can't stand the Rangers, but we were watching the 9th inning at my house tonight and i realllly wanted to see it happen for him.

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Hey, at least we won our first game. Fair enough you didnt buy everyone, my point still is i hate overhyped teams. congrats your roster looks great. ill give your team props when you win a title this decade. maybe this is the year? idk, its gonna be a long season. not trying to talk shit, just speaking my opinion.

1 out of 162 games, plan the parade in Boston.

Talk about buying players, this coming from a Red Sox fan, $158,967,286 million on their payroll LOL! Dude, get some facts before you start typing retarded shit. Go to the slope chute, this section is for people who know something about baseball.

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So you hate almost every team in every sport.

No, but division rivals definitely would fit that bill. I don't like the Rangers because I live in Dallas and everyone here is a fair weather fan. No one have a shit about the Rangers a 4 years ago. That, and Josh Lewin (I think that's how you spell his name o.O) always left me with a bad taste in my mouth. He was such a homer I couldn't stand listening to his broadcasts.

Parker, you're sitting there giving me shit about bad mouthing teams? Tale your own advice. You dont have to insult me just because i dont like the blue jays. Im and avid baseball fan, same as you. This thread took a really negative turn really fast...

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Parker, you're sitting there giving me shit about bad mouthing teams? Tale your own advice. You dont have to insult me just because i dont like the blue jays. Im and avid baseball fan, same as you. This thread took a really negative turn really fast...

Hmmmm let's see, it started going negative when...

Did you see R.A. Dickey's start today? Haha that catcher was fucking him over bad. LRN 2 KNUKLEBALL!!! honestly man, i just wanna see the blue jays crash and fucking burn this season. I hate teams that are overhyped because they by alot of talent. i.e. "the dream team" Philidelphia Eagles (football reference in a baseball thread, i know, please don't shoot me)

Oh yea!

I never put down other teams like that, but if someone starts doing it to my team then I'll certainly deliver some of the same medicine back. So if you stop being a narrow minded baseball fan who spews ignorant opinions based on incorrect assumptions, then I'll stop attacking you with actual facts.

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And i wouldn't condescend to someone i didn't know like you have been. i "attack" your team so you attack me as a person and a fan? seems like a logical response....

You can sit there and say i spit out ignorant bullshit all you want, but everything i said in my post up until the word "buy" was correct. R.A. Dickey had a shitty start. That catcher was fucking up catching the knuckle, at least in the first and second inning. Didn't watch the whole game, just saw the SC highlights because guess what, i don't care THAT much about the Blue Jays. (You are certainly the 1st MRB authority on them, however this doesn't mean everyone else is ignorant)And to your point that your catcher didnt give up a two run HR, you are correct. however, that catcher having those 2 PB in the 2nd, allowed those runners to advance, which led to two runs, which would have lost y'all the game whether dickey gave up the 2Run HR or not, because you only put up one run. Sorry i forgot the details of an exchange of players between two teams im not familiar with. frankly, who few people are familiar with, because neither one of them has done a damn thing in the last twenty years, but i digress. you have motivated to get my facts straight. so here they are.

In a certain way, one could argue that just because there was a trade doesnt mean the blue jays didn't buy those players. when they made that trade, they picked up over $100 million in salaries over the next 5 years. while the blue jays are $40 million below the red sox payroll, that may not necessarily be true over the next 3-5 years, as jose reyes is owed $96 million over the last 5 years of his contract alone. some quick math would break that down to $19.2 million a year, just for reyes, making up more than half the 2013 difference in the blue jays and red sox payrolls. now obviously baseball contracts dont work like that, he will probably make more in his last couple of years than the first year, but my point is don't sit there and act like the Red Sox and the Yankees are the only two teams who pay big money for big players, because your team is doing it too, its just not hurting your pocket books as much this year as it will next year, and the year after that. you better hope he performs like what you're paying him, cause otherwise you'll be making the same mistake the redsox made in 2012 and the same one the yankees make every year. same one LA made last year. its a recurring problem in baseball and i know personally that it hurts when your team tries it and it fails.

since the marlins were clearly having a fire sale to get rid of their expensive contracts, all they wanted was so decent talent in exchange for major league all stars. the real reason i had it in my mind that there was a purchase of contracts was because i know you picked up those big contracts, and i didnt think about what you migt've given up for them, which when you look at the fine print, wasn't very much. and for the record, you didnt trade just prospects, if memory serves me correctly you gave them your starting SS, or another MLB infielder, and at least one starting pitcher. Im sure there was another pro player, but wanna talk about getting your facts straight?

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Boston's payroll has been one of the top payrolls in baseball since the game started, the one year Toronto goes over $100 million (which isn't a lot compared to a ton of other teams ahead of Toronto) you decide to bash them on here because of it? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. It's not fine that you talk about teams spending money when you're a fan of a team that spends money every year, don't justify attacking my team's payroll because yours is finally going to be lowering theirs.

I didn't include the established MLB players in the TOR/MIA trade because they weren't the highest value assets going the other way, but thanks for including the fact that we gave them Yunel, Alvarez, Mathis, Hechavarria and those prospects further proving my point that they weren't bought. You call Toronto overhyped because of their payroll this year yet teams like the Dodgers and Angels aren't even mentioned in your so-called opinions. I couldn't care less if you hate the Jays, but don't make ignorant remarks about the players and bash the team like you did. I'm going after you because I know very intelligent Red Sox fans who would shake their head at you if they read what you wrote. You want to make a case about why JP shouldn't catch the knuckleball or why you dislike Dickey? Fine, but don't be a fucking dick.


Highly intelligent remark. The guy won a Cy Young using the knuckleball.

i just wanna see the blue jays crash and fucking burn this season.

Another needless remark that no one other than you has made about a team.

I hate teams that are overhyped because they by alot of talent.

Man there is so much "pot calling the kettle black" here that it hurts my eyes. You must have hated the Red Sox a couple of years ago when they "bought" Gonzalez, Scutaro, Crawford, Bedard, and others. So overhyped.

Zorbanos just stop, you're making yourself look foolish.

Anyways, Day 4 of the MLB today and I can't wait to see how Jake Peavy is going to do against KC. I've got him on my fantasy team so I'm hoping he does well and continues what he did last year. It sucks that Yu couldn't get that last out yesterday, I love how he had a smile on his face kinda suggesting that he wasn't that upset about it. I honestly didn't think he was going to do amazing this year, Hudson you might have gotten an extremely good pitcher this year in the second round of the draft :lol:

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