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What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains


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Very interesting video Hall! For a long time now, I've known about the dangers of extended periods of being "plugged in". Ironically, I'm responding to this while being plugged in. Lol. Yet, people in general are constantly on their phone doing whatever besides living life. It irks me to see a group of friends, sitting at a table, saying nothing to each other, all glued to their phones. Hence why I think that humanity is bound to be cybernetic in the near future.

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Very interesting indeed. But spending time away from games ( vid game free for two months ) I was able to find deeper pleasures in life such as time with family, socializing, and doing the things I love more. But then again, there are times when you have nothing to do and you end up back on here, but it happens to all of us.

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love this video, honestly ive been thinking about this more and more, because my social life has definitely been on the downslope lately, i mean sure i have my days where i go out, but, for the most part I'm inside on this very computer playing a game, fucking around online with funny videos and pictures with stone at night. i mean shit. I know my brain has not been functioning normally for a while now, and i know this is why that is. I guess my only other thing, is somebody like me who does not currently pay for my internet, lives at home and doesnt make enough money to go out and do such things. I'm stuck with what i do have, with what i do know. however i could always pick up the 6 books i still have to finish reading because i get distracted with shit on here. Either way I dunno. its true we are heading in that direction of a cyber world. all basically creating our own demise. However I feel people are more inclined to do something when they have the money to in this world. i mean like have money to go out and do something for yourself that is still fun and keeps that most likely A.D.D. mind satisfied. Until then, most will just do what they can do that is already payed for and right in front of you... right now.. because you are reading this.

lol I went on a rant my bad. but yeah theres my.. little more than 2 cents worth. basically agreeing with this entire thing

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I actually don't think video games have much to do with this at all. For the most part, when I'm gaming (I pretty much only play DODs), I'm trying to completely focus my energy and attention on the game. Maybe there's an element of constant, instant gratification that comes from respawning and doing it all over again every 30 seconds... But honestly I think gaming can really help develop focus and discipline. (Not to mention great mouse & keyboard skills :)

None of us got good at DODs simply because we keep playing. Sure it's fun, but we get good at it because we want to be good at it. We strive to improve. We keep pushing ourselves, and we put in the hours necessary to improve. If we apply this to any other part of our lives, it will improve too.

The real value of this video's message is that you have to FOCUS on one thing at a time to really deepen your ability in it. Make time for shit that's important to you, and put in the hours.

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