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Kirkendall 1st MRB

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When I lived in Tokyo, my little section of the city (called Hiro-o) had one main street on it with all the stores and whatnot. On this street was a little hole-in-the-wall bar that didn't ID, and right across the street was a 2-story arcade. These are pretty common in Tokyo, big arcades. Anyways, my after-school ritual was go to the bar for a pint, and then since I was a regular, they'd let me take the glass outside and walk across the street to the arcade. People are a lot more trusting there.

Now, arcades in Japan work a little different then America. Here in the states, there are primarily kids...least in my experience. In Japan, it is some teenagers, but an equal amount of middle-aged men and women, all pounding away on their respective games of choice. You go to these places enough, you start to learn that individuals gravitate to their favorite games and stay there for HOURS, ashtrays slowly filling, empty glasses of beer/whiskey piling up. It is an experience, these arcades.

Anyways, my game of choice for the longest time was an old Gauntlet game that sat in a corner covering dust while everyone else played Tekken or Street Fighter. I LOVED that game; it was my version of stress relief. Beer in hand, cigarette in the other, praying for keys and not monster spawn points. There was no competition for the game, no lines I had to wait in. It was ALWAYS available.

Then, one day I get to this arcade and the Gauntlet game is gone. I ask in broken Japanese what happened to it, and they said they had to make room for some sort of DJ-simulation game, where you spin little discs and pretend to be a DJ.

I was so sad. I drowned my sorrows and tried to get into some competitive Tekken, but just got my ass kicked over and over, further sinking me into a Gauntlet-deprived depression. I tried to get a ROM of it to work on my computer at home, but couldn't figure it out.

I searched all other arcades around my home (there were a lot), but did not find any other Gauntlet. That one machine must have been the last in the city. I even went to the Sega Game Center in Shinjuku; a 5-story building FULL of games, ranging from old classics like Pac-man to racing-sims in a full-size Nascar vehicle. NOPE.

I gave up, and haven't played it since.

Sometimes, at night, when I'm nostalgic and drunk, I get visions of Gauntlet playing through my head, and I hark back to the days of buying beer and playing it for hours, never actually winning, but never actually caring if I did. It wasn't about completing the game; it was about the experience, sitting in a smokey room with dozens of other gaming fans, ignoring each other and completely distracted from our lives in our own little n-bit world. It was glorious.

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My version of the Arcade growing up was once a month going to the Mall with my brother and friends and stay there all day playing games until out parents hunted us down or wouldnt give us more money for tokens...Tokens, ah yes, a pocketful of tokens was every boys dream before home computers and tablets. I got a Atari 2600 and a Commodore 64 computer (yes, I am old) later and it helped my gaming habit at home, but I always love what Brown talked about, the interaction with other gamers while playing these games.

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  • 2 months later...

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd Pre-Ordered :D

Countless hours playing this. I don't remember anything about a story or how to play. (I was like 9 or 10 i think...maybe older...I don't remember when xD) We didn't have an arcade locally. We did have a pizza place that had a couple arcade games. One game was Gauntlet! (insert angelic music here) I remember going there after school or church and dumping my saved up allowance into it....and whatever kind of money I got my little hands on....WHATEVER KIND... o_O!

Ahhh, Good times.

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