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Ban Request :: MGM

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Steam I.D:steam_0:1:13456502

Duration of Ban: Dependent on evidence.

Reasons for the Ban:

Demo Provided?: Yes https://eliranifrach.sharefile.com/doremote...e5-3679aaf93c83





Comments: Please take a look at the demo's some of the shots look very lucky but others look extremely deliberate and are very sketchy at best. He is a good player but something does not seem right.

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This guy is still playing (his ban was overturned). I spectated him for quite awile. This is the most clear cut case of a hacker as I have EVER seen. I noticed his ban was lifted...I recomend re-instating it. He just went 41-4. While that in itself does not constitute a ban, I watched him for quite awhile just blatant aim boting with the sniper. I have never accused someone of hacking until now. This is a very clear cut case in my opinion. I dont have video software, but i do have screen shots of his score. I understand that a good score does not in itself wrrant a ban, I am now the second MRB member to witness his blatant hacks.

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If these hacks are so blatant then you should have taken a bloody demo. Everyone has video software it's called the "record" command.

Without evidence this is the worst kind of witch hunt and it won't happen while I am here. Downs, you barely pull a ratio of .62. To have you judge a player who is good is not an indicator. You obviously don't understand the play style being employed.

Yea, maybe he is hacking. But no one has given me any information more than failed stats and whining about his score. Give me a break. I posted the topic on hackers over 4 years ago. That topic hasn't changed. Follow those guidelines.

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