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SgtMaj. K. Quarterman

Arsenault 1st MRB

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Here's Quarterman explaining how he is a Sergeant Major. Listen carefully, you'll laugh for sure.

Basically these are two marines who noticed that guy at funerals and they noticed that something was wrong with him, starting with the fact that he was wearing both ribbons and medals of the same award. Also that he was obviously a Sergeant Major but he had infantry officer's badges on his uniform. These and a lot of other irregularities that you are about to see.

Edited by Arsenault 1st MRB
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Another disgusting trend I just don't understand. Let me first say, I never served, however I graduated highschool right around the time of the initial Iraqi operation in 2003. 9\11 happened my sophmore year of highschool. I had more than a few of my childhood friends join the Army and more so, the Marine Corps, during this time. Several lost their lives overseas, and a couple lost their lives back here at home, unfortunately. This trend of STOLEN Valor disgusts me beyond belief and this punishment of a year in a federal "prison" which rarely gets enforced anyways is even more disgusting. These assholes need to be deported and dropped off the middle of desert with a "fuck you" and let that be the end of it. *end rant*

Edited by T. Little 1st MRB
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We had a guy up here at a local VFW claiming to have a Silver Star and a Purple Heart. They found out he never even finished basic training. In my opinion, and if I ever see someone like that, he is getting an ass whooping and he will deserve it.see all kind of assholes running around with medals on their civilian clothes. Told one punk to take his off or else. When he asked what or else was, I told him I spent 15 years in the Army and I used to kill people for a living. the medal came off. If people cannot respect the Military, then they need to move to another country. I have met some amazing people while in the patriot Guard Riders. We sent a flight of WWII vets to DC for the day so they could visit the WWII memorial and other monuments there. I have met UDT men from the navy, Army Tuskegee Airmen and survivors of D-Day and the Battle of the Bulge. When they come back, we honor them by standing a Flag line at the Airport and give them Motorcycle escorts home. I had one kindly old gentleman ask me why we were doing that. I told him that if it was not for people like him, we would be speaking Japanese or German now. It brought tears to his eyes. They were welcomes home like hero's. Viet Nam vets were treated like dirt. They said NEVER AGAIN. That's why veterans returning home now are welcomed like hero's again. people who falsely try to cash in on that are scum and need to be taught a lesson.

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