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Twilight Zone 1st MRB Style

G. Visca 1st MRB

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He wakes up on the beach to gunfire and explosions. He doesn't know where he is but when a bullet whistles by him he realizes he in in danger. The other men on the map are falling all around him from machine gun fire and mortar shelling. He peeks out from behind a Bradley landing craft to see two large bunkers above him and heavily fortified ridge. It seems vaguely familiar but no, IT CAN'T BE! An admin left the server on Strand and due to a technical difficulty he is stuck on the map for the next 3 hours until the server is fixed...At that moment he wakes up from his worst nightmare.

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He wakes up on the beach to gunfire and explosions. He doesn't know where he is but when a bullet whistles by him he realizes he in in danger. The other men on the map are falling all around him from machine gun fire and mortar shelling. He peeks out from behind a Bradley landing craft to see two large bunkers above him and heavily fortified ridge. It seems vaguely familiar but no, IT CAN'T BE! An admin left the server on Strand and due to a technical difficulty he is stuck on the map for the next 3 hours until the server is fixed...At that moment he wakes up from his worst nightmare.

You're a sick fuck Candy

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He wakes up on the beach to gunfire and explosions. He doesn't know where he is but when a bullet whistles by him he realizes he in in danger. The other men on the map are falling all around him from machine gun fire and mortar shelling. He peeks out from behind a Bradley landing craft to see two large bunkers above him and heavily fortified ridge. It seems vaguely familiar but no, IT CAN'T BE! An admin left the server on Strand and due to a technical difficulty he is stuck on the map for the next 3 hours until the server is fixed...At that moment he wakes up from his worst nightmare.

You're a sick fuck Candy


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McDowell hunkers down to his computer desk, setting his beer next to the keyboard and cracking his knuckles as DOD loads. Lightning flashes outside the window, followed by a rolling thunder that jerks his pet goat from its sleep. He looks down to the goat, named Beatrice, and chuckles lightly.

"It's ok goat," he says. He never actually calls it Beatrice. His eyes wander back to the computer screen, and he maneuvers his mouse to the Join Server button.

His eyes narrow. The familiar window pops up alerting him to the server's maximum capacity being met. He clicks the Join When a Spot opens button, and nestles further into his plush leather chair, slightly spinning as he grows instantly impatient. The goat settles back down, curled up in the corner on a ratty piece of cloth he had found in the back of his yellow Ford F-150.

The moments pass by with increasing trepidation, each second taking more time to come than the one prior. A slight snore comes from the corner of the room, and he looks down at his goat again. Cute thing, he thinks.

His thoughts wander to his time back on the farm in Indiana, back to when he was a curious child, filled with wonder and curiosity. He recalls his first sexual experience. Her name was Tammy Lynn, and she was a large woman...much larger than he is now, in fact. He probably could not even take her in a fight as his grown-up self.

He chuckles to himself again, messing with the mouse around the game screen. Still full. Still waiting.

The goat hiccups.

Lightning strobes the room, but not followed by any thunder.

That's odd, he thinks.

Then he has a heart attack and dies. The goat eventually awakens, and grows hungry on its own. After the first few days, it realizes what it must do, and begins to consume Mcdowell's body from the feet up. Over the next week, the goat grows fat on human meat. No one bothers coming to to see where he is because he has no friends.

Eventually, he starts to rot, and the goat no longer can tolerate the taste. In a moment of panic, it headbutts the window and shatters it, escaping into the night. Only...it is no longer just Beatrice the goat. It has had the taste of human flesh, and you know what? It liked it. A lot. It wants more...and it will get it.


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McDowell hunkers down to his computer desk, setting his beer next to the keyboard and cracking his knuckles as DOD loads. Lightning flashes outside the window, followed by a rolling thunder that jerks his pet goat from its sleep. He looks down to the goat, named Beatrice, and chuckles lightly.

"It's ok goat," he says. He never actually calls it Beatrice. His eyes wander back to the computer screen, and he maneuvers his mouse to the Join Server button.

His eyes narrow. The familiar window pops up alerting him to the server's maximum capacity being met. He clicks the Join When a Spot opens button, and nestles further into his plush leather chair, slightly spinning as he grows instantly impatient. The goat settles back down, curled up in the corner on a ratty piece of cloth he had found in the back of his yellow Ford F-150.

The moments pass by with increasing trepidation, each second taking more time to come than the one prior. A slight snore comes from the corner of the room, and he looks down at his goat again. Cute thing, he thinks.

His thoughts wander to his time back on the farm in Indiana, back to when he was a curious child, filled with wonder and curiosity. He recalls his first sexual experience. Her name was Tammy Lynn, and she was a large woman...much larger than he is now, in fact. He probably could not even take her in a fight as his grown-up self.

He chuckles to himself again, messing with the mouse around the game screen. Still full. Still waiting.

The goat hiccups.

Lightning strobes the room, but not followed by any thunder.

That's odd, he thinks.

Then he has a heart attack and dies. The goat eventually awakens, and grows hungry on its own. After the first few days, it realizes what it must do, and begins to consume Mcdowell's body from the feet up. Over the next week, the goat grows fat on human meat. No one bothers coming to to see where he is because he has no friends.

Eventually, he starts to rot, and the goat no longer can tolerate the taste. In a moment of panic, it headbutts the window and shatters it, escaping into the night. Only...it is no longer just Beatrice the goat. It has had the taste of human flesh, and you know what? It liked it. A lot. It wants more...and it will get it.


da faq did I just read

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