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Resolved - Models separate from hitbox

Konig 1st MRB


Name: Eric Konig

Rank: Sergeant

Type of issue: Not sure

Brief Description of Issue:

I've recently switched laptops since my regular one is broken.

I started noticing a strange occurrence when playing DoD:S on this new laptop..

Basically, sometimes the player model is in a different area of the map than the player's hitbox and his actual position.

It's difficult to describe but essentially, the player is "invisible" because his player model is somewhere else. The player model still rotates and pivots and aims as the player controls it but it is stuck in place, and is a basically a shell. I've been killed multiple times by an invisible foe.

Here is a picture to demonstrate:


I was standing there shooting at this player for a couple of seconds. He didn't notice me at all, that's because he wasn't actually there. This is a player model that is stuck in that position with the hitbox somewhere else. No hits are registered when firing at it. This is not the only case. I can gather more evidence, possibly even a video to demonstrate should the technician need it.

***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line***

Current Status: Resolved


Pending Reply



Main Technician: GySgt. J. Candy

Supporting Technician:

Edited by Candy 1st MRB
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