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The Cat Contest!

T. Brown 1st MRB

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This is just a little contest I want to try out, and although it may be construed as selfish, there ARE actual prizes to win, so it should be a good time for everyone who wants take a part.

Here's the contest:

To put it simply, whoever posts the most amusing photo, gif, or video (under a minute...no compilations) featuring a cat...wins!


ONE: The cat needs NOT be the feature of the media. As long as there is a cat, or even the impression of a cat, it counts.


This is one of my favorite images in the world, That is a 15-century manuscript out of Dubrovnik, Croatia, discovered in 2011, showing clear evidence that the feline species has never had any respect for a human's papers and important documents. The cat is not in the media, but it would count.

TWO: No Compilation Videos! All videos must be relatively short, and while multiple cats or themes can be introduced, there must be another reason why it is occurring, and not just unrelated snippets one after another.

THREE: Personal media of MRB cats are allowed & encouraged, and will also count for more points (which I explain momentarily).

FOUR: No more than THREE pieces of media in any single post, and no posting back to back posts. You MUST wait until someone posts after you before you may post again.


The media will be scored on a number of criteria which will be judged by anyone who entered, and myself. At the end, each participating contestant will get a score sheet in order to grade a list of the top 10* entries that myself and one other cat lover (I haven't figured out who though; message me if you like cats and want to help, please don't post here) will pick out.

*This number may change based on submissions.

Originality: Is it a common repost? Not many points. Or is it your own cat doing something absolutely insane, like you walk into the room to catch the cat using the remote to try and find the Discovery channel, then quickly putting it down when it notices you're watching it.


Tons of points.

Cleverness: Is it funny? Witty? Punny? Then you get points! However, this is a gamble, because if the attempt to be witty or funny or clever falls short, you could actually lose points as the scorecard will allow you to dock them for this particular category. Not all of them, just this one and the following (and most complicated of this contest):


I am not encouraging anyone to make fun of anyone else, but I also know that none of you would be here if you didn't care about respecting each other, so I think I can include this category of scoring and not have to worry about anyone taking it too serious.

That all said, you can gain points by incorporating a fellow MRB member into your caption or graphical addition (explained next). You can go mean, you can go kind, you can go however you want. HOWEVER, you can lose points in this category too...

If you talk shit about someone in your image, and then they retaliate in their next posting, there will be a sudden face-off judgement based on who's jab is the more rektable. This will be conducted by myself and the cat lover, as well as a random sampling of friends on my steam list. The loser of this decision will not only get nothing, but will also be deducted the same number of points that the winner gets for his post.

Caption: This is not mandatory, but every little point could help. Anything goes here...absolutely anything. It will be judged on it's relation to the media (or if the point is to not relate, will be judged on if it does that too) and hilarity, cleverness, and one extra possible boost of points: philosophical/psychological motivation. Does it carry a message? Does it move the viewer to tears, to joy? Anything goes here, at any length, so if you would like to include a story with the picture, go for it.


In a town called Hagi, about 1000km (580 miles) southwest of Tokyo, Japan, there exists Unrinji , aka Nekodera, which translates to Cat Temple. A temple surrounded by cat statues and artwork is neat enough, but the real interest lies behind its history. The town's castle was home to the Mori samurai clan, and when Lord Mori Terumoto 's died, his retainer Nagai Motofusa committed suicide out of his loyalty. It was said that this same loyalty passed down to his pet cat, who remained by his master's grave for 49 days before actually killing himself by biting off its own tongue. Yes, the cat. The validity of this story is questionable, I know. The point is, this would get points.

And finally...

Graphical Addition Any and all photo manipulations are welcome & encouraged. No possible way to lose points on this.


First and second place will win a game of your choice (within reason...we can discuss the specifics if you win; I'm not going to be getting you one of those $300 collector edition box sets : P)

The third place will get a super secret prize that will be between myself and the winner. Whether they want to tell anyone else is up to them. It may very well be a better prize. Or it may be a picture of poop.

This contest will end either February 16th (one month), or when I decide there are already 10* that cannot be topped by anything else.

Any questions, send me a message.


(remember, 3 pieces per post, and you can't post again until someone else does after your post)

Edited by T. Brown 1st MRB
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This is my favorite picture of my cat Lyla. Note on weds 1/14/2015 she moved on to the after life after getting feline leukemia. We got her as a stray and she was the best damn cat ever. We gave her all her shots and everything just never had her tested. so she had it since birth basically.


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aww sorry to hear kirk : ( The gf's family cat was put down yesterday too. SAD.

Stone lost 2 points for posting as many dogs as he has cats, but then he gained those 2 points back for being ballsy enough to tell Kirk to blow him after such a sad post.

Yea, it's fairly arbitrary until we get closer to the end : )

Yama/Beauting are in the lead (cmon, cat in tree video? POINTS EVERYWHERE)


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You people are great. I very seldom smile and I usually don't laugh at all. The only thing that can make me laugh is Jeff Dunham and funny cats. this post has made me laugh more this month than I have in the last 6 months. Looks like there is hope for me after all.

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