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How has music changed?

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Okay so most of you know im a huge rap/ hip hop fan. Yesterday I was at a party and I was pretty blown and this song came on. I've heard this song before and was not a fan of it, but yesterday when i was under the influence I really got down to it and enjoyed the beat. I was talking to this one girl there and she knew the whole song and was singing along. I thought to myself is this the point of songs like this? These are the kind of songs you hear when you go out to parties in my area. I mean people don't really focus on the actual lyrics i think they just enjoy the beat. If you compare older rap/ hip hop it is wayyy different than whats out now. Is that a bad thing? Or is it just different generations producing what they consider good music? Anyways heres the song I was talking about and you all tell me what you think and how its different from from what you used to listen to or what you listen to now.

Heres the music video WARNING NSFW P.S two of these artist are relatively new Rae Sremmurd is actually two people and young thug is the guy at the end. I only really like Nicki Minaj as i Think she has some good songs.

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I'm not that much into hip-hop/rap and what have you, but I dod recognise talent when I hear it. Seems to me that back in the day, hip-hop/rap songs had a point to them - a message. These days it's purely for the dollars in a race to the most regurgitated of pop/dance themes. The video you have above is a perfect example of young fellas spouting a load of bullshit with their video props and fake money with lyrics that mean absolutely nothing.

Now this is something that would make a rocker like me listen to every word and "get the message".


By the way, Nicki Minaj has been sent from the future to destroy us all. A robot that is attacking the most populist of music genres and will lead the human race to it's extinction.

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I've never really listened to lyrics and only really recognize the voices a contributory sound.

Recent rap has fallen out of my favor mostly because the more main stream versions of it involve people intentionally singing in an unpleasant atonal manner. The guys singing in the first video you posted sound like they are going through the world's worst puberty. It just sounds like people singing with voices that can't do anything but crack all the time.

To add insult to injury, when they actually sang in a more pleasant manner, I was able to ignore the lyrics. Now the lyrics are impossible to ignore because of their grating voices, and hearing how inane and insipid the lyrics are just infuriates me more, regardless of how drunk I am.

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The guys singing in the first video you posted sound like they are going through the world's worst puberty.

Autotuning - now anyone can sing!

Edited by Rea 1st MRB
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Recent rap is gibebrish that should not be heard. yes some rappers out there make some songs i find funny. *cough cough* nicki minaj's only *cough cough* but as a whole i can't stand it. There is no story, they have no point but to sing about money, sex, alcohol, and drugs (big Sean's @ss for example... its the same thing over and over again and its pointless. Eminem, B.O.B., August Alsina and a few other seem to have stories or messages but as a whole its fallen. sorry for the grammatically atrocious rant i just worked 12 hours.

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Recent rap is gibebrish that should not be heard. yes some rappers out there make some songs i find funny. *cough cough* nicki minaj's only *cough cough* but as a whole i can't stand it. There is no story, they have no point but to sing about money, sex, alcohol, and drugs (big Sean's @ss for example... its the same thing over and over again and its pointless. Eminem, B.O.B., August Alsina and a few other seem to have stories or messages but as a whole its fallen. sorry for the grammatically atrocious rant i just worked 12 hours.

See that's why I think my generation eats it up. As a teenager who doesn't want money, lots of beautiful women and alcahol or drugs. We're living in a time where drugs like Marijuana are becoming more and more socially accepted. Like I said rappers like this make party songs. This is the shit you listen to in most areas when you're at a party drinking or doing whatever and bot guys and girls are getting into the music. This really isn't the type of song I'd listen to anywhere else but a party...

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When they use the N word and rap about killing Cops, I turn it off. its not real music then. Its hate music. Their life is filled with such violence and hatred they get arrested for shooting in a club or end up dead from a gun. They are punks.

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When they use the N word and rap about killing Cops, I turn it off. its not real music then. Its hate music. Their life is filled with such violence and hatred they get arrested for shooting in a club or end up dead from a gun. They are punks.

They do use the n word a lot but that word has an extensive history in this country in the African American community and it can mean a lot of things. As for killing cops And stuff most rappers these days don't really sing about that Anymore. Most old rappers sing about their life's growing up. rappers like 2 pac would rap about their life growing up and their life was filled with struggle and racism. Nthats why I respect the old stuff. We know he sold drugs to make ends meet and we know he faced racial discrimination. It's real not sugar coated and he does not glorify that life either..

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Pop music (which i believe includes hip hop) is intended for mass consumption. Its the same concept as it was back when Micheal Jackson was a little kid. It has a beat, so anyone can dance to it and have fun. I think real music moves more than just your body though, it moves your soul, and it takes an effort on your part to be able to appreciate it. When I was a restaurant manager, I drove a girl who was about 8 years younger than me home one night, happened to have a best of Hendrix CD in the player, she had no idea who Jimi Hendrix was and proclaimed it was terrible (I nearly kicked her out of the car without stopping, but I needed a cook the next night). I presume because it wasn't the same sort of electronic beat she had grown up listening to. I had another friend once who claimed that Leo Kottke wasn't very good because there were no lyrics (I've been playing guitar for over 15 years and still am nowhere near the level of Kottke). Anyways, I think only listening to pop ruins your ability to truly appreciate music, and that if you wanna listen to something good you should turn the radio off. Real music comes from your soul (and sometimes heroin), not a mixing board.

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