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Like My Sig/Spray


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uhh u can get the new version of flash from torrents and shit. Its part of the Adobe Suite, ala, Adobe Flash. Essentually, it is an animating program that uses frames with key information, and then links the particular frames together with code that performs actions to the frames. Much like actual cartoon animation, but instead of having to draw every frame the computer does it for you. It also goes way above and beoynd that, menu bars, games, applications, etc.

To learn the orriginal dreamworks version of flash would most likely be the easiest way to do it if youre not familiar with codeing. Otherwise ActionScript 3 is rather straight foreward if you know how to code. Now this is to make the animated shit. Stationary sigs. and stuff is just illustrator/photoshop.

Ill see if i can get some stuff ive made up on that hosting site asap.

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I figured I should also add that I too, am a Photoshop junky.

Probably not as advanced as some, but I feel like with Photoshop I can hold my own ground against most.

Flash? Well, I've done a little here and there, but never played with AS. Just made little things, a website here, a funny/goofy little movie there. I'd like to learn more of it, and learn the AS side, but lately I've been learning some other stuff (Java, HTML/CSS, PHP) so it's taken a back seat as it usually ends up doing.

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As is pretty much the same as coding in anything else, ala c+, CSS, etc. You just have to learn the syntax for the most part. Let me see if I can find the book I used for my class when I took it last year. Its a uber book, great projects, and super usefull. Hell, I even made a BSG side-scroller shooter with the books help and some guidance/assignments from my teacher.

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As is pretty much the same as coding in anything else, ala c+, CSS, etc. You just have to learn the syntax for the most part. Let me see if I can find the book I used for my class when I took it last year. Its a uber book, great projects, and super usefull. Hell, I even made a BSG side-scroller shooter with the books help and some guidance/assignments from my teacher.

My gf is a teacher, and last year she taught Javascript at the local community college. Cool thing about teachers: they can get most any book for free! Let me know what book it was - she might be able to contact the company & get a free copy for teachers!

Heck, I might even have one out in the garage where I keep all my books. I just have too darn many. I have so many I haven't even read yet on subjects I'd like to learn but may never get around to, ha!

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grrr i cant find it. It is prolly stacked away in all my shit from college.

I do know, however, its by a company that has a little rabbit for their logo. I believe they are called visual quick start. The book has "Action scrip 3 flash gaming" in the title, or something along those lines.

ill keep diggin for ya when i can.

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