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Mind Blown about LOTR

Quarterman 1st MRB

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Weird theory, summed up with a very inconsequential line. The movies never went into the backstory of the Eagles, and their complicated relationship with middle earth and Gandalf.

But that doesn't mean you should disregard their actions during the war of the ring. Gwaihir, Lord of the Eagles, and his race, were very proud. It was considered a great honor to be carried by an eagle, Gandalf saved Gwaihir from poison which established a relationship between the two. Even becoming friends, Gwaihir only bore Gandalf three times, once from Orthanc (to escape Saruman), once from Silvertine (the mountaintop where Gandalf battled the balrog), and once to retrieve Frodo when the ring was destroyed.

Although Gwaihir was lord of eagles, he was not their king. While that may seem a minute difference, neither Gwaihir nor his brother, Landroval could demand the eagles something they were unwilling.

Beyond the Eagles, ask yourself: why did Gandalf not use more magic to influence the people of middle earth? When Theodon was cleansed some magic would've been great to get him to come to senses and ask gondor for aid. Some magicks would've been great to use on that bitch Denethor. The answer to that is the same as the answer for the question with the eagles. Both Gandalf and the Eagles are creatures given to middle earth to act as guides. Gandalf and the other wizards easily had the power to create armies and dominate mankind. But the Valar, the gods of the west, restricted them. They were to only act as guides. To use more of their power would endanger them to corruption, as happened to Saruman and before him, Sauron.

The easiest answer to the question of the Eagles is that it doesn't make sense in the world Tolkien created. The Eagles would not destroy the ring on their own, as Gandalf would not either. Gandalf hinted he would not be able to resist that corruption, you can bet the eagles wouldn't resist it either.

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