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Admin Activity

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Basically, we need more admins. There are some worthy candidates out there, but personally, the load of responsibility has gotten to a point where it's borderline not fun to play anymore. Lately while playing I have spent almost as much time in the admin menus kicking and banning players than playing (ok hyperbole...but still, it's getting out of hand). We as a community need to show the players on our pub that we can enforce our rules and also have a good time. But also swiftly eject and remove those who would seek to troll or annoy our valuable game time. To those who have admin rights, please utilize them. And to those who've noticed I may start getting in a bad mood after 1 or 2 maps...here's why!

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Well, at times it can be stressful to have to deal with people on the public server. I can find myself overwhelmed at times, but it's part of the job. There are normally 2 or more admins on at a time (not always) but there are points in the day where I find myself to be the only one on. There are even points where we have no admins on, however if people within the unit or BAR are on and need one, don't be afraid to reach out to a SSgt+, MP, or a BAR Member with Admin rights. Also don't forget about the Ban Request forms we have. Yeah sometimes it's annoying to fill out, but that person will be taken care of!

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maybe I said it wrong, it's more the warnings, making sure people are playing and not afk or spec when the pub is full. Or warning players about TKing, things even low level members can do (and should do to get recognized). Maybe I'm getting burned out, but it'd be nice to be on the server and take a back seat on the admin duties that's all. Anyways, happy fragging. 

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Some of us actually do try to help yall out with the warnings shank fidel myself Lancaster etc. and I know we message the admins when we feel we have given enough warnings or if one of you guys are in there as you have seen me do just call out your name and ask you to handle it then. Thing is a lot of pubbers know we don't have admin so they will just ignore us till an admin shows up. But I agree with you ALL MEMBERS should know the rules and making sure they are followed even recruits and just the simple crap with mentioning no TKing or checking peoples pings making sure they watch their language etc.

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Also I know a lot of us type status in console as soon as we join that way if someone does something and leaves if an admin isn't there or doesn't react fast enough we can file ban requests. Ive also started with informing our regulars how to do that so if they are there and a member is not they can file ban requests.

Edited by I. Turner 1st MRB
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In terms of the pub, Generally the only dead periods where no admin is present is around the 3-4 AM Est - 6-9 AM EST mark weekround, This is generally around the time the servers population is 0-10 people, However that's still no excuse,  but with that said i rarely enter the server without seeing atleast one admin, Or a few NCO's with access to numerous MRB & Bar Admins, While yes being the only one can sometimes be annoying, It's no reason to get upset. We're given this power in order to keep the pub a cleaner, and much more friendly environment from what would happen if simply nobody said anything. I myself spend about 5 or more hours a week rotating in the pub either early morning or late at night when most admins are asleep, It's generally a matter of joining when alot of admins are away, Asleep, busy, Or just in other games. It's not a matter of inactive admins or requirments for more. As for warning, That's never been an issue in the pub, Hell i've even taken note of a few pubbers enforcing our rules when an admin may be afk or late on the call to do so themselves, There's rarely ever a lack of people to pass out warnings, As turner said. alot of the enlisted and NCO's have really been doing a damn good job of policing the pub in the admins stead, if you're ever feeling overburdened in the pub and you see me on, Or you don't see any admins in there Feel free to message me, I have no issues policing the public server until other admins show up, this goes for anyone Enlisted and higher, If theres an issue, Don't be afraid to message us even if we're in a game already, We're here for a reason.  

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Guest Boone 1st MRB

As a Sgt i dont not have admin rights, i'm planning to do my nco development as soon as possible to get them cuz i have to call in admins all te time. Its super anoying for me to get an admin all the time and wait untill someone responds, 1Sgt Hill is online a lot of the times when no one else is early in the morning, i hate to ask him all the time but he always does it, so i apreciate it a lot! If i had to write down every time i warned people for tking and twing or anything not fitting with the rules i'd need a bible thick, believe me. I get on when you guys are still a sleep, and then server can be verry crappy sometimes. Sometimes i even have to bother an officer cuz no one else is online, CWO Jankovski for example, i hate to ask it.

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I don't usually have an issue finding or getting an admin. I personally enjoy the admins that are quick on the trigger and have a no BS approach. Like Turner said, we try our best as NCOs to police but sometimes we are the only people playing. Not a big deal I'd rather message Sanborne or Larson and ruin the score they had in another game ;-)....


Just an idea, so don't crucify me. Other servers have the rules posted so that you can't even join allies/axis until the rules have been accepted/rejected. Couldn't this be implemented to serve as the "warning" that way when they commit the crime they have to do the time via kick/ban? Just a thought...


And Muppet I think this is stemming from the ZORRO incident last night. And I can't blame you, that guy, even though he is a regular, always spams the mic in Portuguese ruining the experience for everyone else. I have him muted on my game because of how annoying it can be.

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We have a system in place that is taught to anyone who receives their admin, and there is an efficient methodology to it. I'd also like to point out that "Quick on the trigger" is a bad thing when it comes to using one's admin. When we deal with pubbers, and sometimes even BAR or unit members, we should always be polite, and offer them a verbal warning - not because we don't have a pre-existing warning in place, but because we are always cordial. Of course, some times you just get right to the kicking, but I have to remind you guys that we are keepers of the peace, and not bullies - That is, we never want to come off like the latter, and thus should always act as the former. 

While I understand the frustration that can come from policing the pub, there are a few solutions. Many people have pointed out the MP forum, or getting others to come in when someone needs a ban. However, what I used to do when I didn't have my admin, was I invited someone with admin to the pub to play with me. Muppet, if you're having issues invite one of the unit members with admin, and that should do the trick. It also encourages more pub play! (Just remember boys and girls, never poke an officer to invite them to the pub.)

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You known how every once and awhile the message pops up in the chat feed that says "enlist today join at 1stmarineraiderbattalion.com" is it possible to add another one like that basically saying the website again and something witty telling them how to pull a steam id and report a player. Just for the sole reason of no member BAR or MRB being in the server so they can still have problem children dealt with and it could possibly increase pub activity or recruitment just from them seeing how swiftly we react to it.

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Another idea being yes some of us NCO's and enlisted have no problem saying something to people about pings, team wounding/killing, racism etc. But some are either shy to say it or just immediately contact an admin instead of giving warnings. Would it be possible to have a class either during platoon practice or in the private server heck even doing it in bct for new guys basically being like ok if such and such happens give this warning and inform them of the rule if it happens again give another warning if it happens a third time pull their steam id and contact an admin. Which also falls into a 3 strikes and your out scenario but how to do it respectfully. That way it teaches us how to deal with it and minimizes pulling admins in immediately. I like to basically work on the chat warning then a verbal warning system that way they have no excuses or if someone else gives a verbal warning I give a chat warning so they can't say they didn't hear or see it.

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