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Resolved - Hard Disk Drive apparent Failure - OS Key Recovery Attempts - Non-Software Related issues at this time

Marsden 1st MRB


Name: Kelly Marsden
Rank: Non-Applicable (Spouse of Captain Marsden)
Type of issue: (Hardware Failure and attempted OS Re-Installation)
Brief Description of Issue:

Last week whilst browsing the web and utilizing Microsoft Excel my Wifes Asus Laptop Crashed and Bluescreened with a Disk Error. Unfourtunately at the time her younger brother was on the machine so there were no error-codes collected at any time during the crash or it's subsequently failing boots. Through troubleshooting on my own and with McDowell we have basically been able to confirm that the C: Drive is no longer even being detected by the MOBO and are going to be getting that reviewed to see if it can be salvaged or not. My question at this time is if anyone knows of a means that we could get our Windows 10 Key off the drive so as to avoid paying an extra 100USD to get the OS re-installed after the drive died... Any tips or tricks would be appreciated. I should have an answer as to if the HDD is completely fried or not within the day.
***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line***
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Pending Reply
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