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In the situation your computer takes a shit....

Smithers 1st MRB


Alright well im sure my computer has bit the dust because im not familiar with what to do/ or look for when having technical problems.

Ok, well all day Ive been able to run a game fine for 5 minutes or so but my games suddenley freezes indefinitley with no ability to Cntrl Alt Delete out of it. Which leaves me to hold the power button down till it shuts off. This happened to me today about O' 6 or 7 times. And Now. I press power and my computer attempts to start. But the moniter never switches on and only my tower is running.

**Edit** when i turn it on. The moniter gets a signal. But goes straight to powersaver and It wont emerge from it.

Ive checked all the connections and everything is snug. I opened up the case and theirs no visible damage so id have to be looking for something in particular if i was to find something wrong.

Im fuckin clueless and am lookin for some help. I just downloaded vista service pack 2 as well. But It was freezing before that so idk if that would be a helping factor in it?

Any help i can get is greatly appreciated.

Thanks Raiders.

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Actually, to me, this sounds very much a video card issue, if your monitor isn't detecting the video card at boot-up, that seems like a video card issue. Or, some part of your computer may be overheating. Personally, to start off, I would recommend the program CoreTemp to see if your overheating. Once you download the .zip, just run the .exe file, or extract then run, for future ease of use. You will see numbers on the bottom-right of your screen reading in Celsius.

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Sounds like you have a BIOS error thats stopping your computer from booting up all the way.

Power down your PC.

Locate a rocker-style switch at the back of your PC (if applicable), and switch it from the on position (I) to the off position (O).

Find the 3-pin jumper near the battery, typically labeled "clear cmos" or "reset bios".

Remove the jumper from the default position (typically connecting the 1st and 2nd pins).

Replace the jumper to connect the 2nd and 3rd pins.

Push the power button on the front of your PC once.

Wait a minute.

Return the jumper to its default position, connecting the 1st and 2nd pins.

Move the rocker-style switch at the back of your PC (if applicable), to the on (I) position.

Power on your PC with its front power button.

(List taken from wikihow)

And if that doesn't work tell me and I'll search around for something that will hopefully help.

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Thanks Kirk and Costa. Im gunna look into that core program right after doing what costa suggested. That could explain why my computer was freezing because of the inabiltiy to support the game. Coupled with overheating could have been a deadly combination.

Thanks again, Ill update you guys with what i find out.


Alright well i dont think my attempts were very successful. Costa, I dont see where there could be that switch you were talking about to flip to the off position. When i opened up the case and could also not find the markings where it described them to be. So i dont even know.

I would like to install that program to find the internal temperature. But until i get the moniter not getting a signal issue I cant do that.

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The switch he's talking about would be the switch next to the plug from your power supply to the wall socket. At least, that was my interpretation, and that should be turned off whenever you mess around in your computer, or the risk of shock hurting you or damaging the computer is greatly increased.

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The switch he's talking about would be the switch next to the plug from your power supply to the wall socket. At least, that was my interpretation, and that should be turned off whenever you mess around in your computer, or the risk of shock hurting you or damaging the computer is greatly increased.

i've fried a few printers. the best thing to do is after you unplug it turn the switch on so it uses the rest of the residual power up. you never know until you learn the hard way that touching a screwdriver to something even after it's unplugged can fry it

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No i havent fixed it. Now upon startup the fan revvs reaallllly fast and loud. Which i know is not ok.

The Greedy corporation known as dell. wont help me unless i pay em 50 bucks to run a test which enables them to tell me im going to have to pay hundereds more in parts because Of course its not something theyll furnish if they wont even cough up some credit for a diagnostic. I have a feeling this might be a lengthy ordeal.

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